
You're seeing just the macro swagger_schema, go back to PhoenixSwagger module for more information.
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Builds a swagger schema map using a DSL from the functions defined in PhoenixSwagger.Schema.


iex> use PhoenixSwagger
...> swagger_schema do
...>   title "Pet"
...>   description "A pet in the pet store"
...>   properties do
...>     id :integer, "Unique identifier", required: true, format: :int64
...>     name :string, "Pets name", required: true
...>     tags array(:string), "Tag categories for this pet"
...>   end
...>   additional_properties false
...> end
  "title" => "Pet",
  "type" => "object",
  "description" => "A pet in the pet store",
  "properties" => %{
    "id" => %{
      "description" => "Unique identifier",
      "format" => "int64",
      "type" => "integer"
   "name" => %{
      "description" => "Pets name",
      "type" => "string"
    "tags" => %{
      "description" => "Tag categories for this pet",
      "items" => %{
        "type" => "string"
      "type" => "array"
  "required" => ["name", "id"],
  "additionalProperties" => false

iex> use PhoenixSwagger
...> swagger_schema do
...>   title "Phone"
...>   description "An 8 digit phone number with optional 2 digit area code"
...>   type :string
...>   max_length 11
...>   pattern ~S"^(([0-9]{2}))?[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$"
...> end
  "description" => "An 8 digit phone number with optional 2 digit area code",
  "maxLength" => 11,
  "pattern" => "^(\([0-9]{2}\))?[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$",
  "title" => "Phone",
  "type" => "string"