
You're seeing just the function relationship, go back to PhoenixSwagger.JsonApi module for more information.
Link to this function

relationship(model, name, opts \\ [])

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    "$ref": term(),
    additionalProperties: term(),
    allOf: term(),
    default: term(),
    description: term(),
    discriminator: term(),
    enum: term(),
    example: term(),
    exclusiveMaximum: term(),
    exclusiveMinimum: term(),
    format: term(),
    items: term(),
    maxItems: term(),
    maxLength: term(),
    maxProperties: term(),
    maximum: term(),
    minItems: term(),
    minLength: term(),
    minProperties: term(),
    minimum: term(),
    multipleOf: term(),
    pattern: term(),
    properties: term(),
    readOnly: term(),
    required: term(),
    title: term(),
    type: term(),
    uniqueItems: term(),
    "x-nullable": term()
  name :: atom(),
) :: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
  "$ref": term(),
  additionalProperties: term(),
  allOf: term(),
  default: term(),
  description: term(),
  discriminator: term(),
  enum: term(),
  example: term(),
  exclusiveMaximum: term(),
  exclusiveMinimum: term(),
  format: term(),
  items: term(),
  maxItems: term(),
  maxLength: term(),
  maxProperties: term(),
  maximum: term(),
  minItems: term(),
  minLength: term(),
  minProperties: term(),
  minimum: term(),
  multipleOf: term(),
  pattern: term(),
  properties: term(),
  readOnly: term(),
  required: term(),
  title: term(),
  type: term(),
  uniqueItems: term(),
  "x-nullable": term()
when option: {:type, relationship_type} | {:nullable, boolean()},
     relationship_type: :has_one | :has_many

Defines a relationship.

Optionally can pass type: :has_many or type: :has_one to determine whether to structure the relationship as an object or array.

Defaults to :has_one