View Source PhxJsonRpc

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Simple implementation of JSON-RPC server, written in elixir and working with phoenix.

Allows you to define any number of rpc endpoints, which can be accessed via http protocol.

How it works

The package uses router macro for matching RPC calls to your end-user service.

It uses JSON SCHEMA as a specification for your services and provides parsing, validation and error handling briefly.

Requests can be served in batches with asyncronous order.

For usage with phoenix see this guide.


The package can be installed by adding phx_json_rpc to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:phx_json_rpc, "~> 0.5.0"}

This package depends on ex_json_schema for validation purposes.

Supported phoenix versions

The package tested with phoenix >= 1.6, but probably will work with any version started from 1.4.


The docs can be found at

The package creation was inspired by some other repos:


MIT. Please see the license file for more information.