View Source Poolex (poolex v0.9.0)


In the most typical use of Poolex, you only need to start pool of workers as a child of your application.

children = [
    pool_id: :worker_pool,
    worker_module: SomeWorker,
    workers_count: 5}

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Then you can execute any code on the workers with run/3:, &(is_pid?(&1)), checkout_timeout: 1_000)
{:ok, true}

Fore more information see Getting Started



Any atom naming your pool, e.g. :my_pool.

OptionDescriptionExampleDefault value
pool_idIdentifier by which you will access the pool:my_pooloption is required
worker_moduleName of module that implements our workerMyApp.Workeroption is required
workers_countHow many workers should be running in the pool5option is required
max_overflowHow many workers can be created over the limit20
worker_argsList of arguments passed to the start function[:gg, "wp"][]
worker_start_funName of the function that starts the worker:run:start_link
busy_workers_implModule that describes how to work with busy workersSomeBusyWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
idle_workers_implModule that describes how to work with idle workersSomeIdleWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
waiting_callers_implModule that describes how to work with callers queueWaitingCallersImplPoolex.Callers.Impl.ErlangQueue
pool_size_metricsWhether to dispatch pool size metricstruefalse
OptionDescriptionExampleDefault value
checkout_timeoutHow long we can wait for a worker on the call site60_0005000

Process id of worker.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Returns detailed information about started pool.

Returns current state of started pool.

The main function for working with the pool.

Starts a Poolex process without links (outside of a supervision tree).

Starts a Poolex process linked to the current process.


@type pool_id() :: atom()

Any atom naming your pool, e.g. :my_pool.

@type poolex_option() ::
  {:pool_id, pool_id()}
  | {:worker_module, module()}
  | {:workers_count, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:max_overflow, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:worker_args, [any()]}
  | {:worker_start_fun, atom()}
  | {:busy_workers_impl, module()}
  | {:idle_workers_impl, module()}
  | {:waiting_callers_impl, module()}
  | {:pool_size_metrics, boolean()}
OptionDescriptionExampleDefault value
pool_idIdentifier by which you will access the pool:my_pooloption is required
worker_moduleName of module that implements our workerMyApp.Workeroption is required
workers_countHow many workers should be running in the pool5option is required
max_overflowHow many workers can be created over the limit20
worker_argsList of arguments passed to the start function[:gg, "wp"][]
worker_start_funName of the function that starts the worker:run:start_link
busy_workers_implModule that describes how to work with busy workersSomeBusyWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
idle_workers_implModule that describes how to work with idle workersSomeIdleWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
waiting_callers_implModule that describes how to work with callers queueWaitingCallersImplPoolex.Callers.Impl.ErlangQueue
pool_size_metricsWhether to dispatch pool size metricstruefalse
@type run_option() :: {:checkout_timeout, timeout()}
OptionDescriptionExampleDefault value
checkout_timeoutHow long we can wait for a worker on the call site60_0005000
@type worker() :: pid()

Process id of worker.

Workers are processes launched in a pool.


@spec child_spec([poolex_option()]) :: Supervisor.child_spec()

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.


OptionDescriptionExampleDefault value
pool_idIdentifier by which you will access the pool:my_pooloption is required
worker_moduleName of module that implements our workerMyApp.Workeroption is required
workers_countHow many workers should be running in the pool5option is required
max_overflowHow many workers can be created over the limit20
worker_argsList of arguments passed to the start function[:gg, "wp"][]
worker_start_funName of the function that starts the worker:run:start_link
busy_workers_implModule that describes how to work with busy workersSomeBusyWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
idle_workers_implModule that describes how to work with idle workersSomeIdleWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
waiting_callers_implModule that describes how to work with callers queueWaitingCallersImplPoolex.Callers.Impl.ErlangQueue
pool_size_metricsWhether to dispatch pool size metricstruefalse


children = [
  Poolex.child_spec(pool_id: :worker_pool_1, worker_module: SomeWorker, workers_count: 5),
  # or in another way
  {Poolex, [pool_id: :worker_pool_2, worker_module: SomeOtherWorker, workers_count: 5]}

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
@spec get_debug_info(pool_id()) :: Poolex.Private.DebugInfo.t()

Returns detailed information about started pool.

Primarily needed to help with debugging. Avoid using this function in production.


* `busy_workers_count` - how many workers are busy right now.
* `busy_workers_pids` - list of busy workers.
* `idle_workers_count` - how many workers are ready to work.
* `idle_workers_pids` - list of idle workers.
* `max_overflow` - how many workers can be created over the limit.
* `overflow` - current count of workers launched over limit.
* `waiting_caller_pids` - list of callers processes.
* `worker_args` - what parameters are used to start the worker.
* `worker_module` - name of a module that describes a worker.
* `worker_start_fun` - what function is used to start the worker.


iex> Poolex.start(pool_id: :my_pool_3, worker_module: Agent, worker_args: [fn -> 0 end], workers_count: 5)
iex> debug_info = %Poolex.Private.DebugInfo{} = Poolex.get_debug_info(:my_pool_3)
iex> debug_info.busy_workers_count
iex> debug_info.idle_workers_count
@spec get_state(pool_id()) :: Poolex.Private.State.t()

Returns current state of started pool.

Primarily needed to help with debugging. Avoid using this function in production.


iex> Poolex.start(pool_id: :my_pool_2, worker_module: Agent, worker_args: [fn -> 0 end], workers_count: 5)
iex> state = %Poolex.Private.State{} = Poolex.get_state(:my_pool_2)
iex> state.worker_module
iex> is_pid(state.supervisor)
Link to this function

run(pool_id, fun, options \\ [])

View Source
@spec run(pool_id(), (worker :: pid() -> any()), [run_option()]) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, :checkout_timeout}

The main function for working with the pool.

It takes a pool identifier, a function that takes a worker process id as an argument and returns any value. When executed, an attempt is made to find a free worker with specified timeout (5 seconds by default). You can set the timeout using the checkout_timeout option.


  • {:ok, result} if the worker was found and the function was executed successfully.
  • {:error, :checkout_timeout} if no free worker was found before the timeout.


iex> Poolex.start_link(pool_id: :some_pool, worker_module: Agent, worker_args: [fn -> 5 end], workers_count: 1)
iex>, fn pid -> Agent.get(pid, &(&1)) end)
{:ok, 5}
@spec start([poolex_option()]) :: GenServer.on_start()

Starts a Poolex process without links (outside of a supervision tree).

See start_link/1 for more information.


iex> Poolex.start(pool_id: :my_pool, worker_module: Agent, worker_args: [fn -> 0 end], workers_count: 5)
iex> %Poolex.Private.State{worker_module: worker_module} = Poolex.get_state(:my_pool)
iex> worker_module
@spec start_link([poolex_option()]) :: GenServer.on_start()

Starts a Poolex process linked to the current process.

This is often used to start the Poolex as part of a supervision tree.

After the process is started, you can access it using the previously specified pool_id.


OptionDescriptionExampleDefault value
pool_idIdentifier by which you will access the pool:my_pooloption is required
worker_moduleName of module that implements our workerMyApp.Workeroption is required
workers_countHow many workers should be running in the pool5option is required
max_overflowHow many workers can be created over the limit20
worker_argsList of arguments passed to the start function[:gg, "wp"][]
worker_start_funName of the function that starts the worker:run:start_link
busy_workers_implModule that describes how to work with busy workersSomeBusyWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
idle_workers_implModule that describes how to work with idle workersSomeIdleWorkersImplPoolex.Workers.Impl.List
waiting_callers_implModule that describes how to work with callers queueWaitingCallersImplPoolex.Callers.Impl.ErlangQueue
pool_size_metricsWhether to dispatch pool size metricstruefalse


iex> Poolex.start_link(pool_id: :other_pool, worker_module: Agent, worker_args: [fn -> 0 end], workers_count: 5)
iex> %Poolex.Private.State{worker_module: worker_module} = Poolex.get_state(:other_pool)
iex> worker_module