View Source Pop3mail.Part (pop3mail v1.5.0)

A struct that holds a single part of a multipart, and if there isn't a multipart it contains the email body.

It's fields are:

  • content - binary with the part's content.
  • charset - character encoding of the content (only applicable for text)
  • media_type - Mime type. Examples: text/plain, text/html, text/rtf, image/jpeg, application/octet-stream
  • filename - binary with filename of the attachment
  • filename_charset - character encoding of the filename
  • inline - true/false/nil. true=inline content, false=attachment, nil=not specified.
  • path - Path within the hierarchy of multipart's. For example: relative/alternative
  • index - Index number of a part within a multipart.
  • boundary - boundary name of the multipart
  • content_id - cid. Generally HTML refers to embedded objects (images mostly) by cid. That is why the related images have a cid.
  • content_location - URI location as defined in RFC 2557.



@type t() :: %Pop3mail.Part{
  boundary: String.t(),
  charset: String.t(),
  content: binary(),
  content_id: String.t(),
  content_location: String.t(),
  filename: binary(),
  filename_charset: String.t(),
  index: integer(),
  inline: boolean() | nil,
  media_type: String.t(),
  path: String.t()