Postgrex v0.15.1 Postgrex.Query View Source

Query struct returned from a successfully prepared query.

Its public fields are:

  • name - The name of the prepared statement;
  • statement - The prepared statement;
  • columns - The column names;
  • ref - A reference used to identify prepared queries;

Prepared queries

Once a query is prepared with Postgrex.prepare/4, the returned query will have its ref field set to a reference. When Postgrex.execute/4 is called with the prepared query, it always returns a query. If the ref field in the query given to execute and the one returned are the same, it means the cached prepared query was used. If the ref field is not the same, it means the query had to be re-prepared.

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t() :: %Postgrex.Query{
  cache: :reference | :statement,
  columns: [String.t()] | nil,
  name: iodata(),
  param_formats: [:binary | :text] | nil,
  param_oids: [Postgrex.Types.oid()] | nil,
  param_types: [Postgrex.Types.type()] | nil,
  ref: reference() | nil,
  result_formats: [:binary | :text] | nil,
  result_oids: [Postgrex.Types.oid()] | nil,
  result_types: [Postgrex.Types.type()] | nil,
  statement: iodata(),
  types: Postgrex.Types.state() | nil