Potionx.Context.Service (potionx v0.8.15) View Source

Link to this section Summary


Callback implementation for Access.fetch/2.

Callback implementation for Access.pop/2.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %Potionx.Context.Service{
  __absinthe_plug__: map() | nil,
  arguments: map() | nil,
  assigns: map() | nil,
  changes: map(),
  files: [Plug.Upload.t()] | nil,
  filters: map(),
  ip: String.t() | nil,
  locale: atom() | nil,
  locale_default: atom() | nil,
  order: atom() | nil,
  order_by: String.t() | nil,
  organization: struct() | nil,
  pagination: Potionx.Repo.Pagination.t(),
  request_url: String.t() | nil,
  roles: [String.t()],
  search: String.t() | nil,
  session: struct() | nil,
  user: struct() | nil

Link to this section Functions


fetch(map(), any()) :: {:ok, any()}

Callback implementation for Access.fetch/2.

Link to this function

get_and_update(data, key, func)

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Callback implementation for Access.get_and_update/3.

Callback implementation for Access.pop/2.