Pow v1.0.15 Pow.Ecto.Schema behaviour View Source

Handles the Ecto schema for user.

The macro will create a @pow_fields module attribute, and append fields to it using the attributes from Pow.Ecto.Schema.Fields.attrs/1. Likewise, a @pow_assocs module attribute is also generated for associations. The pow_user_fields/0 macro will use these attributes to create fields and associations in the ecto schema.

The macro will add two overridable methods to your module; changeset/2 and verify_password/2. See the customization section below for more.

The following helper methods are added for changeset customization:

  • pow_changeset/2,
  • pow_verify_password/2
  • pow_user_id_field_changeset/2
  • pow_password_changeset/2,
  • pow_current_password_changeset/2,

Finally pow_user_id_field/0 method is added to the module that is used to fetch the user id field name.

A @pow_config module attribute is created containing the options that were passed to the macro with the use Pow.Ecto.Schema, ... call.


Configure lib/my_project/users/user.ex the following way:

defmodule MyApp.Users.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  use Pow.Ecto.Schema,
    user_id_field: :email,
    password_hash_methods: {&Pow.Ecto.Schema.Password.pbkdf2_hash/1,
    password_min_length: 8,
    password_max_length: 4096

  schema "users" do
    field :custom_field, :string



  def changeset(user_or_changeset, attrs) do
    pow_changeset(user_or_changeset, attrs)

Remember to add user: MyApp.Users.User to your configuration.

Configuration options

  • :user_id_field - the field to use for user id. This value defaults to :email, and the changeset will automatically validate it as an e-mail.

Customize Pow fields

Pow fields can be overridden if the field name and type matches:

defmodule MyApp.Users.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  use Pow.Ecto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :encrypted_password, :string
    field :password_hash, :string, source: :encrypted_password



The same holds true for associations:

defmodule MyApp.Users.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  use Pow.Ecto.Schema

  @pow_assocs {:belongs_to, :invited_by, __MODULE__}
  @pow_assocs {:has_many, :invited, __MODULE__}

  schema "users" do
    belongs_to :invited_by, __MODULE__, foreign_key: :user_id



Customize Pow changeset

You can extract individual changeset methods to modify the changeset flow entirely. As an example, this is how you can remove the validation check for confirm password in the changeset method:

defmodule MyApp.Users.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  use Pow.Ecto.Schema

  import Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset, only: [new_password_changeset: 3]

  # ...

  def changeset(user_or_changeset, attrs) do
    |> pow_user_id_field_changeset(attrs)
    |> pow_current_password_changeset(attrs)
    |> new_password_changeset(attrs, @pow_config)

Note that the changeset methods in Pow.Ecto.Schema.Changeset require the Pow ecto module configuration that is passed to the use Pow.Ecto.Schema, ... call. This can be fetched by using the @pow_config module attribute.

Link to this section Summary


Normalizes the user id field.

A macro to add fields from the @pow_fields module attribute generated in __using__/1.

Get user id field key from changeset or configuration.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

filter_new_fields(fields, existing_fields)

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This function is deprecated. No longer public method.
Link to this function


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normalize_user_id_field_value(binary()) :: binary()

Normalizes the user id field.

Keeps the user id field value case insensitive and removes leading and trailing whitespace.

Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

A macro to add fields from the @pow_fields module attribute generated in __using__/1.

The @pow_fields are populated by Pow.Ecto.Schema.Fields.attrs/1, and will have at minimum the following fields:

  • :email (if not changed with :user_id_field option)
  • :password_hash
  • :current_password (virtual)
  • :password (virtual)
  • :confirm_password (virtual)
Link to this function


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user_id_field(Ecto.Changeset.t() | Pow.Config.t()) :: atom()

Get user id field key from changeset or configuration.

Defaults to :email.

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

verify_password(arg1, binary)

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verify_password(Ecto.Schema.t(), binary()) :: boolean()