Multitenancy with Pow
You are able to pass repo options to the methods used in Pow.Ecto.Context
by using the :repo_opts
configuration option. This makes it possible to pass on the prefix option used in multitenancy apps, so you can do the following:
config :my_app, :pow,
# ...
repo_opts: [prefix: "tenant_a"]
You can also pass the prefix option to Pow.Plug.Session
in your endpoint.ex
plug Pow.Plug.Session, otp_app: :my_app, repo_opts: [prefix: "tenant_a"]
And you can add it as a custom plug to use a dynamic prefix value:
defmodule MyAppWeb.PowTenantPlug do
def init(config), do: config
def call(conn, config) do
tenant = conn.private[:tenant_prefix]
config = Keyword.put(config, :repo_opts, [prefix: prefix]), config)
With the above it will make it very easy to set up multitenancy with Triplex.
First update your endpoint.ex
using a custom plug rather than the default Pow.Plug.Session
defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
# ...
plug Plug.Session,
store: :cookie,
key: "_my_app_key",
signing_salt: "secret"
plug MyAppWeb.PowTriplexSessionPlug, otp_app: :my_app
# ...
Then set up pow_triplex_session_plug.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.PowTriplexSessionPlug do
def init(config), do: config
def call(conn, config) do
tenant = conn.assigns[:current_tenant] || conn.assigns[:raw_current_tenant]
prefix = Triplex.to_prefix(tenant)
config = Keyword.put(config, :repo_opts, [prefix: prefix]), config)