Pow.Config (Pow v1.0.25) View Source

Methods to parse and modify configurations.

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Gets the key value from the configuration.

Merges two configurations.

Puts a new key value to the configuration.

Raise a ConfigError exception.

Retrieves the repo module from the config, or raises an exception.

Retrieves the user schema module from the config, or raises an exception.

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get(config, key, default \\ nil)

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get(t(), atom(), any()) :: any()

Gets the key value from the configuration.

If not found, it'll fall back to environment config, and lastly to the default value which is nil if not specified.

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merge(l_config, r_config)

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merge(t(), t()) :: t()

Merges two configurations.


put(t(), atom(), any()) :: t()

Puts a new key value to the configuration.


raise_error(binary()) :: no_return()

Raise a ConfigError exception.


repo!(t()) :: atom()

Retrieves the repo module from the config, or raises an exception.


user!(t()) :: atom()

Retrieves the user schema module from the config, or raises an exception.