View Source Pow.Extension.Base behaviour (Pow v1.0.31)

Used to set up extensions to enable parts of extension for auto-discovery.

This exists to prevent unnecessary Code.ensure_compiled/1 calls, and will let the extension define what modules it has.



defmodule MyCustomExtension do
  use Pow.Extension.Base

  @impl true
  def ecto_schema?(), do: true

Link to this section Summary


Checks whether an extension has a certain module.

Checks whether an extension has a certain module that has a __using__/1 macro.

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback ecto_schema?() :: boolean()
Link to this callback


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@callback phoenix_controller_callbacks?() :: boolean()
@callback phoenix_messages?() :: boolean()
@callback phoenix_router?() :: boolean()
@callback phoenix_templates() :: [{binary(), [binary()]}]
@callback use_ecto_schema?() :: boolean()

Link to this section Functions

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has?(extension, module_list)

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@spec has?(atom(), [any()]) :: boolean()

Checks whether an extension has a certain module.

If a base extension module doesn't exist, or is configured improperly, Code.ensure_compiled/1 will be used instead to see whether the module exists for the extension.

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use?(extension, module_list)

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@spec use?(atom(), [any()]) :: boolean()

Checks whether an extension has a certain module that has a __using__/1 macro.

This calls has?/2 first, If a base extension module doesn't exist, or is configured improperly, Kernel.macro_exported?/3 will be used instead to check if the module has a __using__/1 macro.