View Source PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Context (Pow v1.0.31)

Handles e-mail confirmation context for user.

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Checks if the users current e-mail is unconfirmed.

Finds a user by the email_confirmation_token column.

Checks if the user has a pending e-mail change.

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confirm_email(user, params, config)

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@spec confirm_email(Pow.Ecto.Context.user(), map(), Pow.Config.t()) ::
  {:ok, Pow.Ecto.Context.user()} | {:error, Pow.Ecto.Context.changeset()}

Confirms e-mail.

See PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema.confirm_email_changeset/2.

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current_email_unconfirmed?(arg1, config)

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@spec current_email_unconfirmed?(Pow.Ecto.Context.user(), Pow.Config.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if the users current e-mail is unconfirmed.

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get_by_confirmation_token(token, config)

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@spec get_by_confirmation_token(binary(), Pow.Config.t()) ::
  Pow.Ecto.Context.user() | nil

Finds a user by the email_confirmation_token column.

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pending_email_change?(arg1, config)

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@spec pending_email_change?(Pow.Ecto.Context.user(), Pow.Config.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if the user has a pending e-mail change.