View Source PowInvitation.Ecto.Context (Pow v1.0.31)

Handles invitation context for user.

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Creates an invited user.

Finds an invited user by the invitation_token column.

Updates an invited user and accepts invitation.

Link to this section Functions

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create(inviter_user, params, config)

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Creates an invited user.

See PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema.invite_changeset/3.

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get_by_invitation_token(token, config)

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@spec get_by_invitation_token(binary(), Pow.Config.t()) ::
  Pow.Ecto.Context.user() | nil

Finds an invited user by the invitation_token column.

Ignores users with :invitation_accepted_at set.

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update(user, params, config)

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Updates an invited user and accepts invitation.

See PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema.accept_invitation_changeset/2.