PowAssent v0.4.8 PowAssent.Phoenix.Messages View Source

Module that handles messages for PowAssent.

To override messages from PowAssent, the method name has to start with the pow_assent_. So the signed_in/1 method, should be written as pow_assent_signed_in/1.


defmodule MyAppWeb.Pow.Messages do
  use Pow.Phoenix.Messages
  use Pow.Extension.Phoenix.Messages,
    extensions: [PowAssent]

  import MyAppWeb.Gettext

  def pow_assent_signed_in(conn) do
    provider = Phoenix.Naming.humanize(conn.params["provider"])

    gettext("You've been signed in with %{provider}.")

Remember to update Pow configuration with messages_backend: MyAppWeb.Pow.Messages.

See Pow.Extension.Phoenix.Messages for more.

Link to this section Summary


Message for when provider account already exists for another user.

Message for when provider identity has been deleted for user.

Message for when user couldn't be signed in.

Message for when user password is required to delete provider identity.

Message for invalid request.

Message for provider login button.

Message for provider identity deletion button.

Message for when user has signed in.

Message for when user has signed up successfully.

Link to this section Functions

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Message for when provider account already exists for another user.

Link to this function


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Message for when provider identity has been deleted for user.

Message for when user couldn't be signed in.

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Message for when user password is required to delete provider identity.

Message for invalid request.

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Message for provider login button.

Link to this function


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Message for provider identity deletion button.

Message for when user has signed in.

Defaults to nil.

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Message for when user has signed up successfully.

Defaults to nil.