View Source ProcessHub.Service.Dispatcher (ProcessHub v0.2.0-alpha)
The dispatcher service provides API functions for dispatching events.
Sends the coordinator process a message to start the child processes passed in.
Sends the coordinator process a message to start the child processes passed in.
Sends the coordinator process a message to stop the child processes passed in.
Propagates the event to the event queue.
Sends a message to all the respondents who are waiting for a response.
@spec children_migrate(ProcessHub.hub_id(), [{node(), [map()]}], keyword()) :: :ok
Sends the coordinator process a message to start the child processes passed in.
@spec children_start(ProcessHub.hub_id(), [{node(), [map()]}], keyword()) :: :ok
Sends the coordinator process a message to start the child processes passed in.
@spec children_stop(ProcessHub.hub_id(), [{node(), [ProcessHub.child_id()]}]) :: :ok
Sends the coordinator process a message to stop the child processes passed in.
@spec propagate_event(any(), atom(), any(), %{ optional(:discard_event) => boolean(), optional(:members) => :global | :local | :external | [node()], optional(:priority) => integer(), optional(:atomic_priority_set) => integer() }) :: {:ok, :event_discarded | :event_dispatched | :event_queued}
Propagates the event to the event queue.
@spec reply_respondents([pid()], atom(), ProcessHub.child_id(), term(), node()) :: :ok
Sends a message to all the respondents who are waiting for a response.