View Source ProcessHub.Service.Synchronizer (ProcessHub v0.2.0-alpha)
The synchronizer service provides API functions for synchronizing process registry data between nodes.
Appends remote data to the local process registry.
Detaches remote data from the local process registry.
Returns local node's process registry data used for synchronization.
@spec append_data(ProcessHub.hub_id(), %{ required(node()) => [{ProcessHub.child_spec(), pid()}] }) :: :ok
Appends remote data to the local process registry.
@spec detach_data(ProcessHub.hub_id(), %{ required(node()) => [{ProcessHub.child_spec(), pid()}] }) :: :ok
Detaches remote data from the local process registry.
@spec local_sync_data(ProcessHub.hub_id()) :: [{ProcessHub.child_spec(), pid()}]
Returns local node's process registry data used for synchronization.