Proj (proj v0.2.3)

Provides functions to transform coordinates between given coordinate systems.

iex> {:ok, bng} = Proj.from_epsg(27700) # British National Grid CRS is EPSG:27700
{:ok, #Proj<+init=epsg:27700 ...>}
iex> Proj.to_lat_lng!({529155, 179699}, bng)
{51.50147938477216, -0.1406319210455952}

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Returns a new Proj projection specification object for a given PROJ.4 parameter list.

Returns a Proj object for a given EPSG code from the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset.

Returns a Proj object for a given known PROJ.4 init file definition.

Converts a given WGS84 {latitude, longitude} pair in degrees to the equivalent {easting, northing} in the CRS proj.

Returns the def string given to create the given Proj object, expanded to its fullest form if possible.

Turns a {longitude_radians, latitude_radians, z} tuple into {longitude_degrees, latitude_degrees, z}.

Converts a given {easting, northing} pair and its CRS proj to a WGS84 {latitude, longitude} pair, where latitude and longitude are in degrees.

Turns a {longitude_degrees, latitude_degrees, z} tuple into {longitude_radians, latitude_radians, z}.

Transforms coordinates from one Proj CRS to another.

Returns a Proj object for the WGS84 geographic coordinate reference system.

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Returns a new Proj projection specification object for a given PROJ.4 parameter list.

Returns {:ok, proj} on success, or {:error, "reason"} if the PROJ.4 parameter string is invalid.



Proj.from_def("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")


Proj.from_def("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000
               +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs")

See for documentation on how these parameter lists.

One way of finding the the PROJ.4 parameter list you require is to search for your desired CRS and find the PROJ.4 parameter list under the "Proj4" link on a CRS's page.

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Returns a Proj object for a given EPSG code from the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset.

Returns {:ok, proj} on success, or {:error, "reason"} if the EPSG definition is not found.

Proj.from_epsg(4326) # WGS84
Proj.from_epsg(27700) # British National Grid
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from_known_def(file, name)

Returns a Proj object for a given known PROJ.4 init file definition.

Returns {:ok, proj} on success, or {:error, "reason"} if the definition is not found.

On Linux, by default, these definitions should be stored in /usr/share/proj/ with your PROJ.4 installation.

Proj.from_known_def("epsg", "4326") # WGS84
Proj.from_known_def("world", "bng") # British National Grid
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from_lat_lng!(arg, proj)

Converts a given WGS84 {latitude, longitude} pair in degrees to the equivalent {easting, northing} in the CRS proj.

This function raises on error, unlike Proj.transform/3.

This is a convenience function for a common use case of Proj.

iex> {:ok, bng} = Proj.from_epsg(27700)
{:ok, #Proj<+init=epsg:27700 ...>}
iex> Proj.from_lat_lng!({51.501479, -0.140631}, bng)
{529155.0658918166, 179698.9583449281}

Returns the def string given to create the given Proj object, expanded to its fullest form if possible.

iex> Proj.get_def(Proj.wgs84)
" +init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"

Turns a {longitude_radians, latitude_radians, z} tuple into {longitude_degrees, latitude_degrees, z}.

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to_lat_lng!(arg, proj)

Converts a given {easting, northing} pair and its CRS proj to a WGS84 {latitude, longitude} pair, where latitude and longitude are in degrees.

This function raises on error, unlike Proj.transform/3.

This is a convenience function for a common use case of Proj.

iex> {:ok, bng} = Proj.from_epsg(27700)
{:ok, #Proj<+init=epsg:27700 ...>}
iex> Proj.to_lat_lng!({529155, 179699}, bng)
{51.50147938477216, -0.1406319210455952}

Turns a {longitude_degrees, latitude_degrees, z} tuple into {longitude_radians, latitude_radians, z}.

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transform(arg, from_proj, to_proj)

Transforms coordinates from one Proj CRS to another.

Coordinates are given in the order {x, y, z}, or for geographic coordinates, {longitude, latitude, z}, where z is the altitude above the geoid of the CRS. longitude and latitude must be given in radians. Proj.to_rad/1 may be helpful if you have coordinates in degrees.

Returns {:ok, {x, y, z}} on success, or {:error, "reason"} if the PROJ.4 library was unable to perform a transformation. If geographic coordinates are returned, they will be in the order {longitude, latitude, z}, and will be in radians.

Returns a Proj object for the WGS84 geographic coordinate reference system.

WGS84 is the standard coordinate system used for GPS and is most likely what you need when working with {latitude, longitude} coordinates.