PromEx.MetricTypes.Manual (PromEx v1.0.0) View Source

This struct defines the fields necessary to export a group of manually collected metric sources from a plugin.

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  • group_name: A unique identifier for the collection of metrics.
  • measurements_mfa: An MFA tuple that defines what function will be executed that will emit Telemetry events.
  • metrics: A list of Telemetry Metrics structs that define the metrics.


Create a struct that encompasses a group of manually triggered metrics. The group_name should be unique and should follow the following convention: <APPLICATION>_<SHORT DESCRIPTION>_manual_metrics. For example, Application related info metrics have a group_name of: :application_versions_manual_metrics

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t() :: %PromEx.MetricTypes.Manual{
  group_name: atom(),
  measurements_mfa: PromEx.measurements_mfa(),
  metrics: [PromEx.telemetry_metrics()]
  • group_name: A unique identifier for the collection of metrics.
  • measurements_mfa: An MFA tuple that defines what function will be executed that will emit Telemetry events.
  • metrics: A list of Telemetry Metrics structs that define the metrics.

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build(group_name, measurements_mfa, metrics)

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  group_name :: atom(),
  measurements_mfa :: PromEx.measurements_mfa(),
  metrics :: [PromEx.telemetry_metrics()]
) :: t()

Create a struct that encompasses a group of manually triggered metrics. The group_name should be unique and should follow the following convention: <APPLICATION>_<SHORT DESCRIPTION>_manual_metrics. For example, Application related info metrics have a group_name of: :application_versions_manual_metrics