Prometheus.ex v1.0.0-alpha3 Prometheus.Metric.Histogram

A Histogram tracks the size and number of events in buckets. You can use Histograms for aggregatable calculation of quantiles.

Example use cases for Histograms:

  • Response latency;
  • Request size.

Histogram expects buckets key in a metric spec. Buckets can be:

  • a list of numbers in increasing order;
  • on of the generate specs (essentially shortcuts for Prometheus.Buckets macros)

    • :default;
    • {:linear, start, step, count};
    • {:exponential, start, step, count}.


defmodule ExampleInstrumenter do
  use Prometheus.Metric

  ## to be called at app/supervisor startup.
  ## to tolerate restarts use declare.
  def setup do[name: :http_request_duration_milliseconds,
                   labels: [:method],
                   buckets: [100, 300, 500, 750, 1000],
                   help: "Http Request execution time"])

  def instrument(%{time: time, method: method}) do
    Histogram.observe([name: :http_request_duration_milliseconds, labels: [method]], time)



Creates a histogram using spec. Histogram cannot have a label named “le”

Observes the given amount. If amount happened to be a float number even one time(!) you shouldn’t use observe/2 after dobserve

Creates a histogram using spec. Histogram cannot have a label named “le”

Observes the given amount

Observes the amount of microseconds spent executing fun

Resets the value of the histogram identified by spec

Returns the value of the histogram identified by spec. If there is no histogram for given labels combination, returns :undefined



Creates a histogram using spec. Histogram cannot have a label named “le”.

If a histogram with the same spec exists returns false.

Raises Prometheus.Error.MissingMetricSpecKey if required spec key is missing.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricName if metric name is invalid.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricHelp if help is invalid.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricLabels if labels isn’t a list.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricName if label name is invalid.

Histogram Specific exceptions:

Raises Prometheus.Error.HistogramNoBuckets if buckets are missing, not a list, empty list or not known buckets spec.
Raises Prometheus.Error.HistogramInvalidBuckets if buckets aren’t in increasing order.
Raises Prometheus.Error.HistogramInvalidBound if bucket bound isn’t a number.

dobserve(spec, amount \\ 1)

Observes the given amount. If amount happened to be a float number even one time(!) you shouldn’t use observe/2 after dobserve.

Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidValue exception if amount isn’t a positive integer.
Raises Prometheus.Error.UnknownMetric exception if a histogram for spec can’t be found.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricArity exception if labels count mismatch.


Creates a histogram using spec. Histogram cannot have a label named “le”.

Raises Prometheus.Error.MissingMetricSpecKey if required spec key is missing.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricName if metric name is invalid.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricHelp if help is invalid.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricLabels if labels isn’t a list.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricName if label name is invalid. Raises Prometheus.Error.MFAlreadyExists if a histogram with the same spec exists.

Histogram Specific exceptions:

Raises Prometheus.Error.HistogramNoBuckets if buckets are missing, not a list, empty list or not known buckets spec.
Raises Prometheus.Error.HistogramInvalidBuckets if buckets aren’t in increasing order.
Raises Prometheus.Error.HistogramInvalidBound if bucket bound isn’t a number.

observe(spec, amount \\ 1)

Observes the given amount.

Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidValue exception if amount isn’t a positive integer.
Raises Prometheus.Error.UnknownMetric exception if a histogram for spec can’t be found.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricArity exception if labels count mismatch.

observe_duration(spec, fun)

Observes the amount of microseconds spent executing fun.

Raises Prometheus.Error.UnknownMetric exception if a histogram for spec can’t be found.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricArity exception if labels count mismatch.


Resets the value of the histogram identified by spec.

Raises Prometheus.Error.UnknownMetric exception if a histogram for spec can’t be found.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricArity exception if labels count mismatch.


Returns the value of the histogram identified by spec. If there is no histogram for given labels combination, returns :undefined.

Raises Prometheus.Error.UnknownMetric exception if a histogram for spec can’t be found.
Raises Prometheus.Error.InvalidMetricArity exception if labels count mismatch.