View Source Prompt.Router behaviour (prompt v0.10.0)
Router for Prompt
Simplifies defining commands, sub-commands and arguments.
Choose the module responsible for taking the command line arguments and
use Prompt.Router, otp_app: :your_app
at the top.
Then simply define your commands and arguments.
Exposes a main/1 function that is called with the command line args
See arg/3
defmodule My.CLI do
use Prompt.Router, otp_app: :my_app
command :checkout, My.CheckoutCommand do
arg :help, :boolean
arg :branch, :string, short: :b, default: "main"
command "", My.DefaultCommand do
arg :info, :boolean
defmodule My.CheckoutCommand do
use Prompt.Command
@impl true
def process(arguments) do
# arguments will be a map of the defined arguments and their values
# from the command line input
# If someone used the command and passed `--branch feature/test`, then
# `argmuments would look like `%{help: false, branch: "feature/test"}`
display("checking out " <> arguments.branch)
defmodule My.DefaultCommand do
use Prompt.Command
@impl true
def init(arguments) do
# you can implement the `c:init/1` callback to transform
# the arguments before `c:process/1` is called if you want
@impl true
def process(arguments) do
# arguments will have a key of `:leftover` for anything
# passed to the command that doesn't have a `arg` defined.
# IF someone called this with `--info --test something`, then then
# arguments will look like `%{info: true, leftover: ["--test", "something"]}`
display("showing info")
Link to this section Summary
This function is called after the main function is done.
Prints help to the screen when there is an error, or --help
is passed as an argument.
Prints help to the screen when there is an error with a string indicating the error
The function responsible for filtering and calling the correct command module based on command line input
Prints the version from the projects mix.exs file
Link to this section Callbacks
This function is called after the main function is done.
It does it's best to handle any value returned from a command and turn it into an integer, 0 being a successful command and any non-zero being an error.
@callback help() :: non_neg_integer()
Prints help to the screen when there is an error, or --help
is passed as an argument.
@callback help(String.t()) :: non_neg_integer()
Prints help to the screen when there is an error with a string indicating the error
The function responsible for filtering and calling the correct command module based on command line input
@callback version() :: non_neg_integer()
Prints the version from the projects mix.exs file
Link to this section Functions
Defines the arguments of a command.
Argument Name
This indicates what the user will type as the option to the sub-command. For example,
arg :print, :boolean
would allow the user to type $ your_command --print
Available options are:
- default - a default value if the user doesn't use this option
- short - an optional short argument option i.e
short: :h
would all the user to type-h
Name of the subcommand that is expectedaany()
Takes an atom or string as the command name and a Prompt.Command module.