View Source Protox.MergeMessage (Protox v1.7.3)

This module provides a helper function to merge messages.



Singular fields of msg will be overwritten, if specified in from, except for embedded messages which will be merged. Repeated fields will be concatenated.


@spec merge(struct() | nil, struct() | nil) :: struct() | nil

Singular fields of msg will be overwritten, if specified in from, except for embedded messages which will be merged. Repeated fields will be concatenated.

Note that "specified" has a different meaning in protobuf 2 and 3:

  • 2: if the singular field from from is nil, the value from msg is kept

  • 3: if the singular field from from is set to the default value, the value from msg is kept. This behaviour matches the C++ reference implementation behaviour.

  • msg and from must be of the same type; or

  • either msg or from is nil: the non-nil message is returned; or

  • both are nil: nil is returned


iex> r1 = %Protobuf2{a: 0, s: :ONE}
iex> r2 = %Protobuf2{a: nil, s: :TWO}
iex> Protox.MergeMessage.merge(r1, r2)
%Protobuf2{a: 0, s: :TWO}
iex> Protox.MergeMessage.merge(r2, r1)
%Protobuf2{a: 0, s: :ONE}