Qex (Qex v0.5.0) View Source

A :queue wrapper with improvements in API and addition of Protocol implementations


Inspect, Collectable and Enumerable are implemented

iex> inspect Qex.new

iex> Enum.count Qex.new(1..5)

iex> Enum.empty? Qex.new

iex> Enum.map Qex.new([1, 2, 3]), &(&1 + 1)
[2, 3, 4]

iex> inspect Enum.into(1..5, %Qex{})
"#Qex<[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>"

Link to this section Summary


Return the first item in the queue in {:value, term} tuple, return :empty if the queue is empty

Retun the first item in the queue, raise if it's empty

Join two queues together

Return the last item in the queue in {:value, term} tuple, return :empty if the queue is empty

Retun the last item in the queue, raise if it's empty

Create a new queue from a range

Get and remove an element from the front of the queue

Get and remove an element from the back of the queue

Add an element to the back of the queue

Add an element to the front of the queue

Reverse a queue

Split a queue into two, the front n items are put in the first queue

Link to this section Types





Link to this section Functions


first(t()) :: {:value, term()} | :empty

Return the first item in the queue in {:value, term} tuple, return :empty if the queue is empty

iex> q1 = Qex.new 1..3
iex> Qex.first(q1)
{:value, 1}
iex> q2 = Qex.new []
iex> Qex.first(q2)


first!(t()) :: term() | no_return()

Retun the first item in the queue, raise if it's empty

iex> q1 = Qex.new 1..3
iex> Qex.first!(q1)


join(t(), t()) :: t()

Join two queues together

iex> q1 = Qex.new 1..3
iex> q2 = Qex.new 4..5
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.join(q1, q2)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


last(t()) :: {:value, term()} | :empty

Return the last item in the queue in {:value, term} tuple, return :empty if the queue is empty

iex> q1 = Qex.new 1..3
iex> Qex.last(q1)
{:value, 3}
iex> q2 = Qex.new []
iex> Qex.last(q2)


last!(t()) :: term() | no_return()

Retun the last item in the queue, raise if it's empty

iex> q1 = Qex.new 1..3
iex> Qex.last!(q1)


new([term()] | Range.t()) :: t()

Create a new queue from a range

iex> inspect Qex.new(1..3)
"#Qex<[1, 2, 3]>"

Create a new queue from a list

iex> inspect Qex.new([1, 2, 3])
"#Qex<[1, 2, 3]>"


pop(t()) :: {{:value, term()}, t()} | {:empty, t()}

Get and remove an element from the front of the queue

iex> q = Qex.new([:front, :mid])
iex> {{:value, item}, _q} = Qex.pop(q)
iex> item

iex> q = Qex.new
iex> {empty, _q} = Qex.pop(q)
iex> empty


pop!(t()) :: {term(), t()} | no_return()


pop_back(t()) :: {{:value, term()}, t()} | {:empty, t()}

Get and remove an element from the back of the queue

iex> q = Qex.new([:mid, :back])
iex> {{:value, item}, _q} = Qex.pop_back(q)
iex> item

iex> q = Qex.new
iex> {empty, _q} = Qex.pop_back(q)
iex> empty


pop_back!(t()) :: {term(), t()} | no_return()


push(t(), term()) :: t()

Add an element to the back of the queue

iex> q = Qex.new([:mid])
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.push(q, :back)
[:mid, :back]


push_front(t(), term()) :: t()

Add an element to the front of the queue

iex> q = Qex.new([:mid])
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.push_front(q, :front)
[:front, :mid]


reverse(t()) :: t()

Reverse a queue

iex> q = Qex.new(1..3)
iex> Enum.to_list q
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.reverse(q)
[3, 2, 1]


split(t(), pos_integer()) :: {t(), t()}

Split a queue into two, the front n items are put in the first queue

iex> q = Qex.new 1..5
iex> {q1, q2} = Qex.split(q, 3)
iex> Enum.to_list q1
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.to_list q2
[4, 5]