View Source Qh.Repo (qh v0.2.0)

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Update fields in a struct

Delete a struct in the database

Save a struct to the database

Save a struct to the database

Performs a database update for a struct and params

Save a struct to the database

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assign(schema, params, opts \\ [])

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Update fields in a struct


user = %MyApp.User{name: nil, age: nil}
user = Qh.assign(user, name: "Bob", age: 21)

# or initialize a new record
user = Qh.assign(:user, name: "Alice", age: 22)
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delete!(struct, opts \\ [])

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Delete a struct in the database

Will raise if the record doesn't exists


user = %MyApp.User{id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 21}
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save(struct, opts \\ [])

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Save a struct to the database

Inserts a new record if no primary key is set or no record exists with the current primary key.

Performs a get and an update if the record already exists.

Returns {:ok, struct} on success or {:error, validation_errors} on failure.


user = %MyApp.User{id: nil, name: "Bob", age: 21}
{:ok, user} =
Link to this function

save!(struct, opts \\ [])

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Save a struct to the database

Similar to save/1 but will raise on failures and return only the struct on success.


user = %MyApp.User{id: nil, name: "Bob", age: 21}
user =!(user)
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update(struct, params, opts \\ [])

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Performs a database update for a struct and params

Returns {:ok, struct} on success or {:error, validation_errors} on failure.


user = %MyApp.User{id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 21}
{:ok, user} = Qh.update(user, age: 22)
Link to this function

update!(struct, params, opts \\ [])

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Save a struct to the database

Similar to update/1 but will raise on failures and return only the struct on success.


user = %MyApp.User{id: 2, name: "Bob", age: 21}
user = Qh.update!(user, age: 22)