Qoix (Qoix v0.1.0) View Source

Qoix is an Elixir implementation of the Quite OK Image format.

Link to this section Summary


Decodes a QOI image, returning an %Image{}.

Encodes a %Qoix.Image{} using QOI, returning a binary with the encoded image.

Returns true if the binary appears to contain a valid QOI image.

Link to this section Functions


decode(binary()) :: {:ok, Qoix.Image.t()} | {:error, any()}

Decodes a QOI image, returning an %Image{}.

Returns {:ok, %Image{}} on success, {:error, reason} on failure.


encode(Qoix.Image.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, any()}

Encodes a %Qoix.Image{} using QOI, returning a binary with the encoded image.

Returns {:ok, encoded} on success, {:error, reason} on failure.


qoi?(binary()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the binary appears to contain a valid QOI image.