View Source QRCode.Render (QRCode v3.0.0)

Render common module.

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Render QR matrix to svg or png binary representation with default settings.

Render QR matrix to svg or png binary representation with your settings.

Saves rendered QR code to svg or png file. See a few examples below

Encodes rendered QR matrix as svg or png binary into a base 64. This encoded string can be then used in Html as

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@spec render(Result.t(String.t(), binary()), :png | :svg) ::
  Result.t(String.t(), binary())

Render QR matrix to svg or png binary representation with default settings.

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render(qr, atom, settings)

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Render QR matrix to svg or png binary representation with your settings.

You can change the appearance of svg using the options:

| Setting            | Type                   | Default value | Description                         |
| scale              | positive integer       | 10            | changes size of rendered QR code    |
| background_opacity | nil or 0.0 <= x <= 1.0 | nil           | sets background opacity of svg      |
| background_color   | string or {r, g, b}    | "#ffffff"     | sets background color of svg        |
| qrcode_color       | string or {r, g, b}    | "#000000"     | sets color of QR                    |
| image              | {string, size} or nil  | nil           | puts the image to the center of svg |
| structure          | :minify or :readable   | :minify       | minifies or makes readable svg file |

svg_settings = %QRCode.Render.SvgSettings{qrcode_color: {17, 170, 136}, structure: :readable}

and same a way for png:

| Setting            | Type                   | Default value | Description                  |
| scale              | positive integer       | 10            | changes size of rendered QR  |
| background_color   | string or {r, g, b}    | "#ffffff"     | sets background color of png |
| qrcode_color       | string or {r, g, b}    | "#000000"     | sets color of QR             |
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save(error, path_with_file_name)

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@spec save(Result.t(any(), binary()), Path.t()) ::
  Result.t(String.t() | File.posix() | :badarg | :terminated, Path.t())

Saves rendered QR code to svg or png file. See a few examples below:

  iex> "Hello World"
        |> QRCode.create(:high)
        |> QRCode.render(:svg)
  {:ok, "/path/to/hello.svg"}
  iex> png_settings = %QRCode.Render.PngSettings{qrcode_color: {17, 170, 136}}
  iex> "Hello World"
        |> QRCode.create(:high)
        |> QRCode.render(:png, png_settings)
  {:ok, "/path/to/hello.png"}

QR code color

@spec to_base64(Result.t(String.t(), binary())) :: Result.t(String.t(), binary())

Encodes rendered QR matrix as svg or png binary into a base 64. This encoded string can be then used in Html as

For svg use

<img src="data:image/svg+xml; base64, encoded_svg_qr_code" alt="QR code" />

and in case of png

<img src="data:image/png; base64, encoded_png_qr_code" alt="QR code" />