Quark.Pointfree (Quark v2.3.2) View Source
Allows defining functions as straight function composition (ie: no need to state the argument).
Provides a clean, composable named functions
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Define a unary function with an implied subject
Define a private unary function with an implied subject
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Define a unary function with an implied subject
iex> defmodule Foo do
...> import Quark.Pointfree
...> defx foo(), do: Enum.sum |> fn x -> x + 1 end.()
...> end
...> Foo.foo([1,2,3])
iex> defmodule Bar do
...> import Quark.Pointfree
...> defx bar, do: Enum.sum |> fn x -> x + 1 end.()
...> end
...> Bar.bar([1,2,3])
Define a private unary function with an implied subject
defmodule Foo do
import Quark.Pointfree
defxp foo(), do: Enum.sum |> fn x -> x + 1 end.()