View Source Rabbit.Consumer behaviour (Rabbit v0.20.0)

A RabbitMQ consumer process.

Consumers are the "workers" of your application. They wrap around the standard AMQP.Channel and provide the following benefits:

  • Durability during connection and channel failures through use of exponential backoff.
  • Easy runtime setup through the init/2 and handle_setup/1 callbacks.
  • Automatic acknowledgements based on the return value of the handle_message/1 callback.
  • Ability to handle exceptions through the handle_error/1 callback.
  • Each message is executed within its own supervised task.
  • Automatic payload decoding based on available serializers and message content type.


# This is a connection
defmodule MyConnection do
  use Rabbit.Connection

  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    Rabbit.Connection.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)

  # Callbacks

  @impl Rabbit.Connection
  def init(:connection, opts) do
    # Perform any runtime configuration
    {:ok, opts}

# This is a consumer
defmodule MyConsumer do
  use Rabbit.Consumer

  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    Rabbit.Consumer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)

  # Callbacks

  @impl Rabbit.Consumer
  def init(_type, opts) do
    # Perform any runtime configuration
    {:ok, opts}

  @impl Rabbit.Consumer
  def handle_setup(state) do
    # Optional callback to perform exchange or queue setup
    AMQP.Queue.declare(, state.queue)


  @impl Rabbit.Consumer
  def handle_message(message) do
    # Handle consumed messages
    {:ack, message}

  @impl Rabbit.Consumer
  def handle_error(message) do
    # Handle errors that occur within handle_message/1
    {:nack, message}

# Start the connection

# Start the consumer
MyConsumer.start_link(connection: MyConnection, queue: "my_queue", prefetch_count: 20)


When a message is consumed, its content type is compared to the list of available serializers. If a serializer matches the content type, the message will be automatically decoded.

You can find out more about serializers at Rabbit.Serializer.



A callback executed to handle message exceptions.

A callback executed to handle message consumption.

An optional callback executed after the channel is open, but before consumption.

A callback executed when the consumer is started.


Stops a consumer process.


@type action_options() :: [multiple: boolean(), requeue: boolean()]
@type delivery_tag() :: non_neg_integer()
@type message_response() ::
  {:ack, Rabbit.Message.t()}
  | {:ack, Rabbit.Message.t(), action_options()}
  | {:nack, Rabbit.Message.t()}
  | {:nack, Rabbit.Message.t(), action_options()}
  | {:reject, Rabbit.Message.t()}
  | {:reject, Rabbit.Message.t(), action_options()}
  | any()
@type option() ::
  {:connection, Rabbit.Connection.t()}
  | {:queue, String.t()}
  | {:prefetch_count, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:prefetch_size, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:consumer_tag, String.t()}
  | {:no_local, boolean()}
  | {:no_ack, boolean()}
  | {:exclusive, boolean()}
  | {:nowait, boolean()}
  | {:arguments, Keyword.t()}
  | {:custom_meta, map()}
  | {:setup_opts, setup_options()}
  | {:workers, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:timeout, timeout()}
@type options() :: [option()]
@type setup_options() :: keyword()
@type t() ::


@callback handle_error(message :: Rabbit.Message.t()) :: message_response()

A callback executed to handle message exceptions.

If the original handle_message/1 callback raises an error, this callback will be called with the message - but with the :error_reason and :error_stack fields filled.

You may choose to return the same values as handle_message/1.

@callback handle_message(message :: Rabbit.Message.t()) :: message_response()

A callback executed to handle message consumption.

The callback is provided a Rabbit.Message struct. You may find more information about the message structure within its own documentation. The message may be automatically decoded based on the content type and available serializers.

You may choose to ack, nack, or reject the message based on the return value.

  • {:ack, message} - will acknowledge the message.
  • {:ack, message, options} - will acknowledge the message with options.
  • {:nack, message} - will negative acknowledge the message.
  • {:nack, message, options} - will negative acknowledge the message with options.
  • {:reject, message} - will reject the message.
  • {:reject, message, options} - will reject the message with options.

If you don't return one of these values - nothing will be done. This means you will need to manually ack, nack or reject the message if required. Please see the Rabbit.Message module for more information.

Link to this callback


View Source (optional)
@callback handle_setup(state :: map()) :: :ok | {:ok, new_state :: map()} | :error

An optional callback executed after the channel is open, but before consumption.

The callback is called with the current state, containing the open channel and queue name if given. At the most basic, you may want to declare the queue to ensure it's available. This will be entirely application dependent though.

def handle_setup(state) do
  AMQP.Queue.declare(, state.queue)


Important keys from the state include:

Return either :ok or {:ok, new_state} for success, the latter will update the state.

If another value is returned it will be marked as failed, and the consumer will attempt to go through the connection setup process again.

Alternatively, you could use a Rabbit.Topology process to perform this setup work. Please see its docs for more information.

@callback init(:consumer, options()) :: {:ok, options()} | :ignore

A callback executed when the consumer is started.

Returning {:ok, opts} - where opts is a keyword list of t:option() will, cause start_link/3 to return {:ok, pid} and the process to enter its loop.

Returning :ignore will cause start_link/3 to return :ignore and the process will exit normally without entering the loop.


Link to this function

start_link(module, opts \\ [], server_opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec start_link(module(), options(), GenServer.options()) :: Supervisor.on_start()

Starts a consumer process.


  • :connection - A Rabbit.Connection process.
  • :queue - The queue to consume messages from.
  • :prefetch_count - The basic unit of concurrency for a given consumer - defaults to 0.
  • :prefetch_size - The prefetch window size in octets - defaults to 0, meaning no specific limit.
  • :consumer_tag - The identifier of the consumer. If empty, one will be generated by the server.
  • :no_local - A boolean representing whether messages should not be sent to the same connection that published them - defaults to false.
  • :no_ack - A boolean representing whether acknowledgements are not required for messages - defaults to false.
  • :exclusive - A boolean representing whether only this consumer can access the queue - defaults to false.
  • :nowait - A boolean representing whether the server should not respond to methods - defaults to false.
  • :arguments - A set of arguments for the consumer.
  • :custom_meta - A map of custom data that will be included in each Rabbit.Message handled by the consumer.
  • :setup_opts - A keyword list of custom options for use in handle_setup/1.
  • :workers - The number of workers available to process messages - defaults to System.schedulers_online().
  • :timeout - The timeout in milliseconds for each message processed - defaults to 60_000.

Server Options

You can also provide server options - which are simply the same ones available for GenServer.options/0.

@spec stop(t()) :: :ok

Stops a consumer process.