Ratio.FloatConversion (ratio v2.4.2) View Source
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Converts a float to a rational number. Because base-2 floats cannot represent all base-10 fractions properly, the results might be different from what you might expect. See The Perils of Floating Point for more information about this.
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Converts a float to a rational number. Because base-2 floats cannot represent all base-10 fractions properly, the results might be different from what you might expect. See The Perils of Floating Point for more information about this.
It is possible to restrict max_decimals to make the result more readable/understandable, at the possible loss of precision.
The default value for max_decimals is 10
(Erlang allows values between 0 and 249, see erlang's float_to_list
iex> Ratio.FloatConversion.float_to_rational(10.0)
iex> Ratio.FloatConversion.float_to_rational(13.5)
27 <|> 2
iex> Ratio.FloatConversion.float_to_rational(1.1, 100)
2476979795053773 <|> 2251799813685248
iex> Ratio.FloatConversion.float_to_rational(1.1, 3)
11 <|> 10