RDF.ex v0.6.1 RDF.Quad View Source

Helper functions for RDF quads.

A RDF Quad is represented as a plain Elixir tuple consisting of four valid RDF values for subject, predicate, object and a graph context.

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Creates a RDF.Quad with proper RDF values.

Creates a RDF.Quad with proper RDF values.

Checks if the given tuple is a valid RDF quad.

Returns a tuple of native Elixir values from a RDF.Quad of RDF terms.

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Creates a RDF.Quad with proper RDF values.

An error is raised when the given elements are not coercible to RDF values.

Note: The RDF.quad function is a shortcut to this function.


iex> RDF.Quad.new {"http://example.com/S", "http://example.com/p", 42, "http://example.com/Graph"}
{~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, RDF.literal(42), ~I<http://example.com/Graph>}
iex> RDF.Quad.new {EX.S, EX.p, 42, EX.Graph}
{RDF.iri("http://example.com/S"), RDF.iri("http://example.com/p"), RDF.literal(42), RDF.iri("http://example.com/Graph")}
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new(subject, predicate, object, graph_context) View Source

Creates a RDF.Quad with proper RDF values.

An error is raised when the given elements are not coercible to RDF values.

Note: The RDF.quad function is a shortcut to this function.


iex> RDF.Quad.new("http://example.com/S", "http://example.com/p", 42, "http://example.com/Graph")
{~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, RDF.literal(42), ~I<http://example.com/Graph>}
iex> RDF.Quad.new(EX.S, EX.p, 42, EX.Graph)
{RDF.iri("http://example.com/S"), RDF.iri("http://example.com/p"), RDF.literal(42), RDF.iri("http://example.com/Graph")}

Checks if the given tuple is a valid RDF quad.

The elements of a valid RDF quad must be RDF terms. On the subject position only IRIs and blank nodes allowed, while on the predicate and graph context position only IRIs allowed. The object position can be any RDF term.

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values(quad, mapping \\ &Statement.default_term_mapping/1) View Source

Returns a tuple of native Elixir values from a RDF.Quad of RDF terms.

Returns nil if one of the components of the given tuple is not convertible via RDF.Term.value/1.

The optional second argument allows to specify a custom mapping with a function which will receive a tuple {statement_position, rdf_term} where statement_position is one of the atoms :subject, :predicate, :object or :graph_name, while rdf_term is the RDF term to be mapped. When the given function returns nil this will be interpreted as an error and will become the overhaul result of the values/2 call.


iex> RDF.Quad.values {~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, RDF.literal(42), ~I<http://example.com/Graph>}
{"http://example.com/S", "http://example.com/p", 42, "http://example.com/Graph"}

iex> {~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, RDF.literal(42), ~I<http://example.com/Graph>}
...> |> RDF.Quad.values(fn
...>      {:object, object} ->
...>        RDF.Term.value(object)
...>      {:graph_name, graph_name} ->
...>        graph_name
...>      {_, resource} ->
...>        resource |> to_string() |> String.last() |> String.to_atom()
...>    end)
{:S, :p, 42, ~I<http://example.com/Graph>}