View Source RDF.IRI.UUID.Generator (RDF.ex v1.0.0)

A RDF.Resource.Generator for various kinds of UUID-based IRI identifiers.

This generator is only available when you have defined the elixir_uuid package as dependency in the Mixfile of your application.


Configuration options

  • :prefix: The URI prefix to be prepended to the generated UUID. It can be given also as RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace module. If the :uuid_format is set explicitly to something other than :urn (which is the default), this is a required parameter.
  • :uuid_version: The UUID version to be used. Can be any of the integers 1 and 4 for random-based identifiers (4 being the default) and 3 and 5 for value-based identifiers (5 being the default).
  • :uuid_format: The format of the UUID to be generated. Can be any of the following atoms:
    • :urn: a standard UUID representation, prefixed with the UUID URN (in this case the :prefix is not used) (the default when no :prefix given)
    • :default: a standard UUID representation, appended to the :prefix value (the default when a :prefix is given)
    • :hex: a standard UUID without the - (dash) characters, appended to the :prefix value
  • :uuid_namespace (only with :uuid_version 3 and 5, where it is a required parameter)

When your generator configuration is just for a function producing one of the two kinds of identifiers, you can use these options directly. Otherwise you must provide the identifier-specific configuration under one of the keys :random_based and :value_based.


Example configuration

config :example, :id,
  generator: RDF.IRI.UUID.Generator,
  prefix: "",
  uuid_format: :hex,
  random_based: [
    uuid_version: 1
  value_based: [
    uuid_version: 3,
    uuid_namespace: UUID.uuid5(:url, "")