View Source API Reference reactive_commons v1.0.2


Configuration structure for using reactive commons abstraction

Queries represent a intention for getting information about something, that query must to be processed by the domain context with that responsibility and that context must respond with the information requested throught request/reply pattern. An example of a query may be: "UserInfo".

Commands represent a intention for doing something, that intention must to be done by the domain context with that responsibility. An example of a command may be: "RegisterUser" or "SendNotification".

This module allows the commands emission and async queries requests.

Events represent a fact inside the domain, it is the representation of a decision or a state change that a system want to notify to its subscribers. Events represents facts that nobody can change, so events are not intentions or requests of anything, An example may be and UserRegistered or a NotificationSent.

This module allows the domain events emission.

Implements generic behaviour for message executors

Implements generic behaviour for event listeners

This module allows the subscription for events, commands and async queries and for registering their respective handlers

This module maintain the required settings to achieve communication with the message broker, it also provides default semantic settings

This module initializes and supervises all required processes to enable the reactive commons ecosystem

This module generates unique identifiers for temporary queue names, message ids and routing keys.

Please see readme for ReactiveCommons.