View Source Reactor.Argument (reactor v0.9.1)
A step argument.
Build an argument which refers to to an element within a map step with an optional transformation applied.
Build an argument which refers to a reactor input with an optional transformation applied.
Build an argument which refers to the result of another step with an optional transformation applied.
Build an argument directly from a template.
Build an argument which refers to a statically defined value.
Validate that the argument source has a sub_path
Validate that the argument has a transform.
Validate that the argument is an Argument struct.
Validate that the argument contains an element.
Validate that the argument refers to a reactor input.
Validate that the argument refers to a step result.
Validate that the argument contains a static value.
Set a sub-path on the argument.
Build an argument which refers to to an element within a map step with an optional transformation applied.
iex> Argument.from_element(:argument_name, &Atom.to_string/1)
Build an argument which refers to a reactor input with an optional transformation applied.
iex> Argument.from_input(:argument_name, :input_name, &String.to_integer/1)
Build an argument which refers to the result of another step with an optional transformation applied.
iex> Argument.from_result(:argument_name, :step_name, &Atom.to_string/1)
@spec from_template(atom(), Reactor.Template.t(), nil | (any() -> any())) :: t()
Build an argument directly from a template.
iex> Argument.from_template(:argument_name, Reactor.Dsl.Argument.input(:input_name))
Build an argument which refers to a statically defined value.
iex> Argument.from_value(:argument_name, 10)
Validate that the argument source has a sub_path
Validate that the argument has a transform.
Validate that the argument is an Argument struct.
Validate that the argument contains an element.
Validate that the argument refers to a reactor input.
Validate that the argument refers to a step result.
Validate that the argument contains a static value.
Set a sub-path on the argument.
iex> Argument.from_value(:example, :value)
...> |> Argument.sub_path([:nested, :values])