View Source rebar3_formatter behaviour (rebar3_format v1.3.0)

Automatic formatter for Erlang modules

Link to this section Summary


Format a file. Note that opts() are not the same as the global ones passed in on init/2. These opts include per-file options specified with the -format attribute.


The action that the formatter will perform.
Format a file. Apply formatting rules to a file containing erlang code.
Process an ignored file. If output dir is not the current one we need to copy the files that we are not formatting to it
Build a formatter.

Link to this section Types

-type opts() ::
    #{output_dir => none | current | file:filename_all(),
      encoding => none | epp:source_encoding(),
      action => verify | format,
      _ => _}.
-type result() :: changed | unchanged.
-opaque t()

Link to this section Callbacks

-callback format_file(file:filename_all(), state(), opts()) -> result().
-callback init(opts(), undefined | rebar_state:t()) -> state().
Format a file. Note that opts() are not the same as the global ones passed in on init/2. These opts include per-file options specified with the -format attribute.

Link to this section Functions

-spec action(t()) -> verify | format.
The action that the formatter will perform.
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format_file(File, Formatter)

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-spec format_file(file:filename_all(), t()) -> result().
Format a file. Apply formatting rules to a file containing erlang code.
-spec ignore(file:filename_all(), t()) -> ok.
Process an ignored file. If output dir is not the current one we need to copy the files that we are not formatting to it
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new(Module, Opts, RebarState)

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-spec new(module(), opts(), undefined | rebar_state:t()) -> t().
Build a formatter.