Module single_use_hrl_attrs

A rule to detect hrl attributes used in just one module: Attributes supported: -define -record It will suggest to place those attributes inside the module to avoid having (and including) a hrl file.

Behaviours: hank_rule.


A rule to detect hrl attributes used in just one module: Attributes supported: -define -record It will suggest to place those attributes inside the module to avoid having (and including) a hrl file.

Function Index

analyze/2This builds a list of header files with its attributes.

Function Details


analyze(FilesAndASTs::hank_rule:asts(), Context::hank_context:t()) -> [hank_rule:result()]

This builds a list of header files with its attributes. Then traverse the file ASTs mapping their macros and records And checks whether they were used just once.


ignored(Pattern::hank_rule:ignore_pattern(), IgnoreSpec::term()) -> boolean()

To do

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