Module unused_configuration_options

A rule to detect unused configuration options It will find options that are no longer used around the code: - All the options from the *.config files (excepting rebar.config, elvis.config and relx.config) - The env list inside any *.app.src files.

Behaviours: hank_rule.


A rule to detect unused configuration options It will find options that are no longer used around the code: - All the options from the *.config files (excepting rebar.config, elvis.config and relx.config) - The env list inside any *.app.src files

To avoid this warning, remove the unused parameters.

Function Index

analyze/2It gets the options from .config and .app.src files and then: 1.

Function Details


analyze(FilesAndASTs::hank_rule:asts(), Context::hank_context:t()) -> [hank_rule:result()]

It gets the options from .config and .app.src files and then: 1. Builds an index with file/options 2. Gets the atoms used around the .erl and .hrl files 3. Calculates the unused atoms (options) and return the results


ignored(X1::hank_rule:ignore_pattern(), Option::term()) -> boolean()

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