Module unnecessary_function_arguments

A rule to detect unnecessary function arguments.

Behaviours: hank_rule.


A rule to detect unnecessary function arguments.

The rule emits a warning for each function argument that is consistently ignored in all function clauses.

To avoid this warning, remove the unused argument(s).

Note: This rule will not emit a warning if the function implements a behaviour callback or a NIF call.

Function Index

ignored/2Rule ignore specifications.

Function Details


ignored(Pattern::hank_rule:ignore_pattern(), FuncName::term()) -> boolean()

Rule ignore specifications. Example:

                %% You can give a list of multiple specs or a single one
                [%% Will ignore any unused argument from ignore_me/2 within the module
                 {ignore_me, 2},
                 %% Will ignore the 2nd argument from ignore_me_too/3 within the module
                 {ignore_me_too, 3, 2},
                 %% Will ignore any unused argument from any ignore_me_again/x
                 %% within the module (no matter the function arity)

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