Module unused_configuration_options

A rule to detect unused configuration options It will find options that are no longer used around the code: - All the options from the *.config files (excepting rebar.config, elvis.config and relx.config) - The env list inside any *.app.src files.

Behaviours: hank_rule.


A rule to detect unused configuration options It will find options that are no longer used around the code: - All the options from the *.config files (excepting rebar.config, elvis.config and relx.config) - The env list inside any *.app.src files

To avoid this warning, remove the unused parameters.


For this rule to apply, it's assumed that configuration options for an Erlang application are only consumed within said Erlang application or the other applications in the same umbrella project. If you have a dependency that consumes an environment parameter from one of your project applications, you can add an ignore rule in rebar.config for it.

Function Index

analyze/2Detects unused config options.
ignored/2Rule ignore specifications.

Function Details


analyze(FilesAndASTs::hank_rule:asts(), Context::hank_context:t()) -> [hank_rule:result()]

Detects unused config options. It gets the options from .config and .app.src files and then:

  1. Builds an index with file/options.
  2. Gets the atoms used around the .erl and .hrl files.
  3. Calculates the unused atoms (options) and return the results.


ignored(Option::hank_rule:ignore_pattern(), X2::term()) -> boolean()

Rule ignore specifications. Only valid in rebar.config since attributes are not allowed in config files. Example:

       {hank, [{ignore, [
           {"this_file.config", unused_configuration_options, [ignore_option]}

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