API Reference rebar3_hank v1.4.0



The Erlang Dead Code Cleaner
rebar3 contextual data turned into a type that we can also manually build, if needed
Behavior for defining a rule for Hank.
Utility functions
Main entry point for the rebar3 hank plugin
Plugin provider for rebar3 hank

A rule to detect hrl attributes used in just one module: Attributes supported: -define -record It will suggest to place those attributes inside the module to avoid having (and including) a hrl file.

A rule to detect header files used in just one module.

To avoid this warning, include the content of the header file into the module.

A rule to detect unnecessary function arguments.

The rule emits a warning for each function argument that is consistently ignored in all function clauses.

A rule to detect unused callbacks.

This rule will check all callbacks defined in a module and find those that are not used anywhere in the module itself.

A rule to detect unused configuration options It will find options that are no longer used around the code: - All the options from the *.config files (excepting rebar.config, elvis.config and relx.config) - The env list inside any *.app.src files

To avoid this warning, remove the unused parameters.

A rule to detect unused header files.

To avoid this warning, remove the unused header files.

A rule to detect unused macros.

To avoid this warning, remove the unused macros.

A rule to detect unused record fields.

The rule will detect fields that are defined as part of a record but never actually used anywhere.