View Source Recode.Context (Recode v0.7.2)

This module provides functions to traverse an AST with a %Context{}.


The following example shows the %Context{} for the definition of

iex> alias Rewrite.Source
...> alias Recode.Context
...> """
...> defmodule MyApp.Foo do
...>   def foo, do: :foo
...> end
...> defmodule MyApp.Bar do
...>   alias MyApp.Foo
...>   def bar(x) do
...>     {, x}
...>   end
...> end
...> """
...> |> Source.Ex.from_string()
...> |> Source.get(:quoted)
...> |>
...> |> Context.traverse(nil, fn
...>   zipper, context, nil ->
...>     case context.definition do
...>       {{:def, :bar, 1}, _meta} -> {zipper, context, context}
...>       _def -> {zipper, context, nil}
...>     end
...>   zipper, context, acc ->
...>     {zipper, context, acc}
...> end)
...> |> elem(1) |> Map.put(:node, nil)
  node: nil,
  aliases: [
       trailing_comments: [],
       leading_comments: [],
       end_of_expression: [newlines: 2, line: 6, column: 18],
       line: 6,
       column: 3
     ], nil}
  assigns: %{},
    {{:def, :bar, 1},
       trailing_comments: [],
       leading_comments: [],
       do: [line: 8, column: 14],
       end: [line: 10, column: 3],
       line: 8,
       column: 3
  imports: [],
       trailing_comments: [],
       leading_comments: [],
       do: [line: 5, column: 21],
       end: [line: 11, column: 1],
       line: 5,
       column: 1
  requirements: [],
  usages: []



Assigns the given value under key to the context.

Merges the given map to the assigns of the context.

Returns true if definition satisfies the assumption.

Returns true if @doc is available and not set to @doc false.

Returns true if @doc false.

Expands the module alias for the given mfa.

Returns true if an impl is available.

Returns the current module of a context.

Returns true if @moduledoc is available and not set to @moduledoc false.

Returns true if @moduledoc false.

Returns true if a spec is available.

Traverses the given zipper and applies fun on each node.

Traverses the given zipper with an acc and applies fun on each node.


@type t() :: %Recode.Context{
  aliases: list(),
  assigns: map(),
  definition: term(),
  doc: {term() | nil, Macro.t()} | nil,
  impl: {term() | nil, Macro.t()} | nil,
  imports: list(),
  module: term() | nil,
  moduledoc: Macro.t() | nil,
  node: term() | nil,
  requirements: list(),
  spec: {term() | nil, Macro.t()} | nil,
  usages: list()
@type zipper() :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()


Link to this function

assign(context, key, value)

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@spec assign(t(), atom(), term()) :: t()

Assigns the given value under key to the context.

@spec assigns(t(), map()) :: t()

Merges the given map to the assigns of the context.

Link to this function

definition?(context, atom)

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@spec definition?(t(), :public | :visible) :: boolean()

Returns true if definition satisfies the assumption.

@spec doc?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if @doc is available and not set to @doc false.

@spec doc?(t(), false) :: boolean()

Returns true if @doc false.

Link to this function

expand_mfa(context, arg)

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@spec expand_mfa(t(), mfa()) :: {:ok, mfa()} | :error

Expands the module alias for the given mfa.

@spec impl?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if an impl is available.

@spec module(t()) :: module() | nil

Returns the current module of a context.

@spec moduledoc?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if @moduledoc is available and not set to @moduledoc false.

Link to this function

moduledoc?(context, bool)

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@spec moduledoc?(t(), false) :: boolean()

Returns true if @moduledoc false.

@spec spec?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if a spec is available.

@spec traverse(zipper(), fun) :: zipper() when fun: (zipper(), t() -> {zipper(), t()})

Traverses the given zipper and applies fun on each node.

The fun gets the current zipper and context as arguments.

Link to this function

traverse(zipper, acc, fun)

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@spec traverse(zipper(), acc, fun) :: {zipper(), acc}
when acc: term(), fun: (zipper(), t(), acc -> {zipper(), t(), acc})

Traverses the given zipper with an acc and applies fun on each node.