RemixIconEx.Buildings (RemixIconEx v0.5.0)

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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.ancient_gate()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M6.96407 3H17.0358C17.2844 4.72201 18.7601 6 20.5 6 20.8321 6 21.1626 5.95272 21.4814 5.85957 21.2972 7.64386 19.7937 9 18 9H5.99997C4.20619 9 2.70278 7.64386 2.51849 5.85957 2.83733 5.95272 3.16781 6 3.49997 6 5.23982 6 6.71552 4.72201 6.96407 3ZM16.8994 6.65761C16.3391 6.1724 15.902 5.61986 15.5881 5H8.41184C8.09793 5.61986 7.66084 6.1724 7.10057 6.65761 6.9591 6.78013 6.8145 6.89426 6.66678 7H17.3331C17.1855 6.89426 17.0409 6.78013 16.8994 6.65761ZM21.5 11.5005C22.0376 11.5005 22.5422 11.3591 22.9786 11.1114 22.9927 11.2391 23 11.369 23 11.5005 23 12.8967 22.1825 14.1019 21 14.6637V21H14V19C14 17.8954 13.1046 17 12 17 10.8954 17 10 17.8954 10 19V21H3V14.6637C1.81753 14.1019 1 12.8967 1 11.5005 1 11.369 1.00725 11.2391 1.02138 11.1114 1.45778 11.3591 1.96237 11.5005 2.5 11.5005 3.61042 11.5005 4.57994 10.8972 5.09865 10.0005H18.9013C19.4201 10.8972 20.3896 11.5005 21.5 11.5005ZM18.9632 12.8097C18.5756 12.5812 18.2296 12.3115 17.9252 12.0005H6.07479C5.77042 12.3115 5.42443 12.5812 5.03683 12.8097 4.834 12.9293 4.62683 13.0333 4.41532 13.1218L5 13.3996V19H8C8 17.8954 8.39052 16.9526 9.17157 16.1716 9.95262 15.3905 10.8954 15 12 15 13.1046 15 14.0474 15.3905 14.8284 16.1716 15.6095 16.9526 16 17.8954 16 19H19V13.3996L19.5847 13.1218C19.3732 13.0333 19.166 12.9293 18.9632 12.8097Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.ancient_pavilion()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M1.51562 7.87678C1.67972 9.82977 3.08896 11.452 4.99982 11.8875V19.0013H2.99982V21.0013H20.9999V19.0013H18.9999V11.8875C20.9107 11.452 22.32 9.82977 22.484 7.87678C21.9936 7.95878 21.4971 8 20.9999 8C17.1858 8 13.7859 5.59592 12.5146 2H11.4851C10.2138 5.59592 6.81387 8 2.99982 8C2.50254 8 2.0061 7.95878 1.51562 7.87678ZM16.9999 19.0013H6.99982V12H16.9999V19.0013ZM18.5554 9.93749L18.2811 10H5.71853L5.44427 9.93749C5.3082 9.90648 5.17785 9.86594 5.0532 9.81587C6.58988 9.53219 8.02237 8.92072 9.35068 7.98146C10.4073 7.23431 11.2904 6.35588 11.9999 5.34615C12.7093 6.35588 13.5924 7.23431 14.649 7.98146C15.9773 8.92072 17.4098 9.53219 18.9465 9.81587C18.8218 9.86594 18.6914 9.90648 18.5554 9.93749Z" />
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M2 20H22V22H2V20ZM4 12H6V19H4V12ZM9 12H11V19H9V12ZM13 12H15V19H13V12ZM18 12H20V19H18V12ZM2 7L12 2L22 7V11H2V7ZM4 8.23607V9H20V8.23607L12 4.23607L4 8.23607ZM12 8C11.4477 8 11 7.55228 11 7C11 6.44772 11.4477 6 12 6C12.5523 6 13 6.44772 13 7C13 7.55228 12.5523 8 12 8Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 19H23V21H1V19H3V4C3 3.44772 3.44772 3 4 3H14C14.5523 3 15 3.44772 15 4V19H19V11H17V9H20C20.5523 9 21 9.44772 21 10V19ZM5 5V19H13V5H5ZM7 11H11V13H7V11ZM7 7H11V9H7V7Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M3 19.0002V5.70058C3 5.28007 3.26307 4.90449 3.65826 4.76079L13.3291 1.24411C13.5886 1.14974 13.8755 1.28361 13.9699 1.54313C13.9898 1.5979 14 1.65573 14 1.714V6.66682L20.3162 8.77223C20.7246 8.90834 21 9.29048 21 9.72091V19.0002H23V21.0002H1V19.0002H3ZM5 19.0002H12V3.85555L5 6.40101V19.0002ZM19 19.0002V10.4417L14 8.77501V19.0002H19Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building_3()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M10 10.1111V1L21 7V21H3V7L10 10.1111ZM12 4.36908V13.1886L5 10.0775V19H19V8.18727L12 4.36908Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building_4()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 20H23V22H1V20H3V3C3 2.44772 3.44772 2 4 2H20C20.5523 2 21 2.44772 21 3V20ZM19 20V4H5V20H19ZM8 11H11V13H8V11ZM8 7H11V9H8V7ZM8 15H11V17H8V15ZM13 15H16V17H13V15ZM13 11H16V13H13V11ZM13 7H16V9H13V7Z" />
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 21H3C2.44772 21 2 20.5523 2 20V12.4868C2 12.1978 2.12501 11.9229 2.34282 11.733L6 8.54435V4C6 3.44772 6.44772 3 7 3H21C21.5523 3 22 3.44772 22 4V20C22 20.5523 21.5523 21 21 21ZM9 19H12V12.9416L8 9.45402L4 12.9416V19H7V15H9V19ZM14 19H20V5H8V7.12729C8.23444 7.12729 8.46888 7.20938 8.65718 7.37355L13.6572 11.733C13.875 11.9229 14 12.1978 14 12.4868V19ZM16 11H18V13H16V11ZM16 15H18V17H16V15ZM16 7H18V9H16V7ZM12 7H14V9H12V7Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.government()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M20 6H23V8H22V19H23V21H1V19H2V8H1V6H4V4C4 3.44772 4.44772 3 5 3H19C19.5523 3 20 3.44772 20 4V6ZM20 8H4V19H7V12H9V19H11V12H13V19H15V12H17V19H20V8ZM6 5V6H18V5H6Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 19.9997C21 20.552 20.5523 20.9997 20 20.9997H4C3.44772 20.9997 3 20.552 3 19.9997V9.48882C3 9.18023 3.14247 8.88893 3.38606 8.69947L11.3861 2.47725C11.7472 2.19639 12.2528 2.19639 12.6139 2.47725L20.6139 8.69947C20.8575 8.88893 21 9.18023 21 9.48882V19.9997ZM19 18.9997V9.97791L12 4.53346L5 9.97791V18.9997H19Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_3()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM8 15.0001H16V17.0001H8V15.0001Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_4()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM13 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001H11V13.0001H13V19.0001Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_5()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M13 18.9997H19V9.97791L12 4.53346L5 9.97791V18.9997H11V12.9997H13V18.9997ZM21 19.9997C21 20.552 20.5523 20.9997 20 20.9997H4C3.44772 20.9997 3 20.552 3 19.9997V9.48882C3 9.18023 3.14247 8.88893 3.38606 8.69947L11.3861 2.47725C11.7472 2.19639 12.2528 2.19639 12.6139 2.47725L20.6139 8.69947C20.8575 8.88893 21 9.18023 21 9.48882V19.9997Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_6()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 19.9997C21 20.552 20.5523 20.9997 20 20.9997H4C3.44772 20.9997 3 20.552 3 19.9997V9.48882C3 9.18023 3.14247 8.88893 3.38606 8.69947L11.3861 2.47725C11.7472 2.19639 12.2528 2.19639 12.6139 2.47725L20.6139 8.69947C20.8575 8.88893 21 9.18023 21 9.48882V19.9997ZM19 18.9997V9.97791L12 4.53346L5 9.97791V18.9997H19ZM7 14.9997H17V16.9997H7V14.9997Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_7()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM12 15.0001C10.6193 15.0001 9.5 13.8808 9.5 12.5001C9.5 11.1194 10.6193 10.0001 12 10.0001C13.3807 10.0001 14.5 11.1194 14.5 12.5001C14.5 13.8808 13.3807 15.0001 12 15.0001Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_8()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM9 10.0001H15V16.0001H9V10.0001ZM11 12.0001V14.0001H13V12.0001H11Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_gear()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM8.59117 13.809C8.52937 13.5487 8.49666 13.2771 8.49666 12.9979C8.49666 12.7187 8.52936 12.4472 8.59115 12.1869L7.60001 11.6147L8.59952 9.88345L9.59136 10.4561C9.98427 10.0844 10.4633 9.80285 10.9954 9.64448V8.5001H12.9945V9.64448C13.5266 9.80284 14.0056 10.0844 14.3985 10.456L15.3904 9.88336L16.39 11.6146L15.3987 12.1868C15.4605 12.4471 15.4932 12.7187 15.4932 12.9979C15.4932 13.2771 15.4605 13.5486 15.3988 13.8089L16.39 14.3812L15.3905 16.1124L14.3986 15.5397C14.0057 15.9114 13.5267 16.1929 12.9946 16.3513V17.4957H10.9955V16.3514C10.4634 16.193 9.98437 15.9115 9.59144 15.5398L8.59957 16.1125L7.60001 14.3813L8.59117 13.809ZM11.995 14.4972C12.823 14.4972 13.4942 13.8259 13.4942 12.9979C13.4942 12.1699 12.823 11.4986 11.995 11.4986C11.1669 11.4986 10.4957 12.1699 10.4957 12.9979C10.4957 13.8259 11.1669 14.4972 11.995 14.4972Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_heart()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M20 20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001H1L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001H20V20.0001ZM18 19.0001V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001H18ZM12 17.0001L8.64124 13.6413C7.76256 12.7627 7.76256 11.338 8.64124 10.4594C9.51992 9.58068 10.9445 9.58068 11.8232 10.4594L12 10.6361L12.1768 10.4594C13.0555 9.58068 14.4801 9.58068 15.3588 10.4594C16.2374 11.338 16.2374 12.7627 15.3588 13.6413L12 17.0001Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_office()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M12.6727 1.61162 20.7999 9H17.8267L12 3.70302 6 9.15757V19.0001H11V21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001 11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162ZM14 11H23V18H14V11ZM16 13V16H21V13H16ZM24 21H13V19H24V21Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_smile()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM7.5 13.0001H9.5C9.5 14.3808 10.6193 15.5001 12 15.5001C13.3807 15.5001 14.5 14.3808 14.5 13.0001H16.5C16.5 15.4854 14.4853 17.5001 12 17.5001C9.51472 17.5001 7.5 15.4854 7.5 13.0001Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_smile_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 18.9999V9.79863L12 4.27662L5 9.79863V18.9999H19ZM21 19.9999C21 20.5522 20.5523 20.9999 20 20.9999H4C3.44772 20.9999 3 20.5522 3 19.9999V9.31379C3 9.00761 3.14027 8.7183 3.38065 8.52867L11.3807 2.21781C11.7438 1.9313 12.2562 1.9313 12.6193 2.21781L20.6193 8.52867C20.8597 8.7183 21 9.00761 21 9.31379V19.9999ZM7 11.9999H9C9 13.6568 10.3431 14.9999 12 14.9999C13.6569 14.9999 15 13.6568 15 11.9999H17C17 14.7613 14.7614 16.9999 12 16.9999C9.23858 16.9999 7 14.7613 7 11.9999Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_wifi()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM8 10.0001C11.866 10.0001 15 13.1341 15 17.0001H13C13 14.2387 10.7614 12.0001 8 12.0001V10.0001ZM8 14.0001C9.65685 14.0001 11 15.3432 11 17.0001H8V14.0001Z" />
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M8 20V14H16V20H19V4H5V20H8ZM10 20H14V16H10V20ZM21 20H23V22H1V20H3V3C3 2.44772 3.44772 2 4 2H20C20.5523 2 21 2.44772 21 3V20ZM11 8V6H13V8H15V10H13V12H11V10H9V8H11Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.hotel()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M22 21H2V19H3V4C3 3.44772 3.44772 3 4 3H18C18.5523 3 19 3.44772 19 4V9H21V19H22V21ZM17 19H19V11H13V19H15V13H17V19ZM17 9V5H5V19H11V9H17ZM7 11H9V13H7V11ZM7 15H9V17H7V15ZM7 7H9V9H7V7Z" />
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M12 0.585938L18 6.58594V9.00024H22V19.0002H23V21.0002H1V19.0002H2V9.00024H6V6.58594L12 0.585938ZM18 19.0002H20V11.0002H18V19.0002ZM6 11.0002H4V19.0002H6V11.0002ZM8 7.41436V19.0002H11V12.0002H13V19.0002H16V7.41436L12 3.41436L8 7.41436Z" />
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 11.6458V21C21 21.5523 20.5523 22 20 22H4C3.44772 22 3 21.5523 3 21V11.6458C2.37764 10.9407 2 10.0144 2 9V3C2 2.44772 2.44772 2 3 2H21C21.5523 2 22 2.44772 22 3V9C22 10.0144 21.6224 10.9407 21 11.6458ZM19 12.874C18.6804 12.9562 18.3453 13 18 13C16.8053 13 15.7329 12.4762 15 11.6458C14.2671 12.4762 13.1947 13 12 13C10.8053 13 9.73294 12.4762 9 11.6458C8.26706 12.4762 7.19469 13 6 13C5.6547 13 5.31962 12.9562 5 12.874V20H19V12.874ZM14 9C14 8.44772 14.4477 8 15 8C15.5523 8 16 8.44772 16 9C16 10.1046 16.8954 11 18 11C19.1046 11 20 10.1046 20 9V4H4V9C4 10.1046 4.89543 11 6 11C7.10457 11 8 10.1046 8 9C8 8.44772 8.44772 8 9 8C9.55228 8 10 8.44772 10 9C10 10.1046 10.8954 11 12 11C13.1046 11 14 10.1046 14 9Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.store_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 13.2422V20H22V22H2V20H3V13.2422C1.79401 12.435 1 11.0602 1 9.5C1 8.67286 1.22443 7.87621 1.63322 7.19746L4.3453 2.5C4.52393 2.1906 4.85406 2 5.21132 2H18.7887C19.1459 2 19.4761 2.1906 19.6547 2.5L22.3575 7.18172C22.7756 7.87621 23 8.67286 23 9.5C23 11.0602 22.206 12.435 21 13.2422ZM19 13.9725C18.8358 13.9907 18.669 14 18.5 14C17.2409 14 16.0789 13.478 15.25 12.6132C14.4211 13.478 13.2591 14 12 14C10.7409 14 9.5789 13.478 8.75 12.6132C7.9211 13.478 6.75911 14 5.5 14C5.331 14 5.16417 13.9907 5 13.9725V20H19V13.9725ZM5.78865 4L3.35598 8.21321C3.12409 8.59843 3 9.0389 3 9.5C3 10.8807 4.11929 12 5.5 12C6.53096 12 7.44467 11.3703 7.82179 10.4295C8.1574 9.59223 9.3426 9.59223 9.67821 10.4295C10.0553 11.3703 10.969 12 12 12C13.031 12 13.9447 11.3703 14.3218 10.4295C14.6574 9.59223 15.8426 9.59223 16.1782 10.4295C16.5553 11.3703 17.469 12 18.5 12C19.8807 12 21 10.8807 21 9.5C21 9.0389 20.8759 8.59843 20.6347 8.19746L18.2113 4H5.78865Z" />
iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.store_3()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 13V20C21 20.5523 20.5523 21 20 21H4C3.44772 21 3 20.5523 3 20V13H2V11L3 6H21L22 11V13H21ZM5 13V19H19V13H5ZM4.03961 11H19.9604L19.3604 8H4.63961L4.03961 11ZM6 14H14V17H6V14ZM3 3H21V5H3V3Z" />

Link to this section Functions

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ancient_gate(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.ancient_gate()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M6.96407 3H17.0358C17.2844 4.72201 18.7601 6 20.5 6 20.8321 6 21.1626 5.95272 21.4814 5.85957 21.2972 7.64386 19.7937 9 18 9H5.99997C4.20619 9 2.70278 7.64386 2.51849 5.85957 2.83733 5.95272 3.16781 6 3.49997 6 5.23982 6 6.71552 4.72201 6.96407 3ZM16.8994 6.65761C16.3391 6.1724 15.902 5.61986 15.5881 5H8.41184C8.09793 5.61986 7.66084 6.1724 7.10057 6.65761 6.9591 6.78013 6.8145 6.89426 6.66678 7H17.3331C17.1855 6.89426 17.0409 6.78013 16.8994 6.65761ZM21.5 11.5005C22.0376 11.5005 22.5422 11.3591 22.9786 11.1114 22.9927 11.2391 23 11.369 23 11.5005 23 12.8967 22.1825 14.1019 21 14.6637V21H14V19C14 17.8954 13.1046 17 12 17 10.8954 17 10 17.8954 10 19V21H3V14.6637C1.81753 14.1019 1 12.8967 1 11.5005 1 11.369 1.00725 11.2391 1.02138 11.1114 1.45778 11.3591 1.96237 11.5005 2.5 11.5005 3.61042 11.5005 4.57994 10.8972 5.09865 10.0005H18.9013C19.4201 10.8972 20.3896 11.5005 21.5 11.5005ZM18.9632 12.8097C18.5756 12.5812 18.2296 12.3115 17.9252 12.0005H6.07479C5.77042 12.3115 5.42443 12.5812 5.03683 12.8097 4.834 12.9293 4.62683 13.0333 4.41532 13.1218L5 13.3996V19H8C8 17.8954 8.39052 16.9526 9.17157 16.1716 9.95262 15.3905 10.8954 15 12 15 13.1046 15 14.0474 15.3905 14.8284 16.1716 15.6095 16.9526 16 17.8954 16 19H19V13.3996L19.5847 13.1218C19.3732 13.0333 19.166 12.9293 18.9632 12.8097Z" />
Link to this function

ancient_pavilion(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.ancient_pavilion()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M1.51562 7.87678C1.67972 9.82977 3.08896 11.452 4.99982 11.8875V19.0013H2.99982V21.0013H20.9999V19.0013H18.9999V11.8875C20.9107 11.452 22.32 9.82977 22.484 7.87678C21.9936 7.95878 21.4971 8 20.9999 8C17.1858 8 13.7859 5.59592 12.5146 2H11.4851C10.2138 5.59592 6.81387 8 2.99982 8C2.50254 8 2.0061 7.95878 1.51562 7.87678ZM16.9999 19.0013H6.99982V12H16.9999V19.0013ZM18.5554 9.93749L18.2811 10H5.71853L5.44427 9.93749C5.3082 9.90648 5.17785 9.86594 5.0532 9.81587C6.58988 9.53219 8.02237 8.92072 9.35068 7.98146C10.4073 7.23431 11.2904 6.35588 11.9999 5.34615C12.7093 6.35588 13.5924 7.23431 14.649 7.98146C15.9773 8.92072 17.4098 9.53219 18.9465 9.81587C18.8218 9.86594 18.6914 9.90648 18.5554 9.93749Z" />
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bank(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M2 20H22V22H2V20ZM4 12H6V19H4V12ZM9 12H11V19H9V12ZM13 12H15V19H13V12ZM18 12H20V19H18V12ZM2 7L12 2L22 7V11H2V7ZM4 8.23607V9H20V8.23607L12 4.23607L4 8.23607ZM12 8C11.4477 8 11 7.55228 11 7C11 6.44772 11.4477 6 12 6C12.5523 6 13 6.44772 13 7C13 7.55228 12.5523 8 12 8Z" />
Link to this function

building(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 19H23V21H1V19H3V4C3 3.44772 3.44772 3 4 3H14C14.5523 3 15 3.44772 15 4V19H19V11H17V9H20C20.5523 9 21 9.44772 21 10V19ZM5 5V19H13V5H5ZM7 11H11V13H7V11ZM7 7H11V9H7V7Z" />
Link to this function

building_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M3 19.0002V5.70058C3 5.28007 3.26307 4.90449 3.65826 4.76079L13.3291 1.24411C13.5886 1.14974 13.8755 1.28361 13.9699 1.54313C13.9898 1.5979 14 1.65573 14 1.714V6.66682L20.3162 8.77223C20.7246 8.90834 21 9.29048 21 9.72091V19.0002H23V21.0002H1V19.0002H3ZM5 19.0002H12V3.85555L5 6.40101V19.0002ZM19 19.0002V10.4417L14 8.77501V19.0002H19Z" />
Link to this function

building_3(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building_3()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M10 10.1111V1L21 7V21H3V7L10 10.1111ZM12 4.36908V13.1886L5 10.0775V19H19V8.18727L12 4.36908Z" />
Link to this function

building_4(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.building_4()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 20H23V22H1V20H3V3C3 2.44772 3.44772 2 4 2H20C20.5523 2 21 2.44772 21 3V20ZM19 20V4H5V20H19ZM8 11H11V13H8V11ZM8 7H11V9H8V7ZM8 15H11V17H8V15ZM13 15H16V17H13V15ZM13 11H16V13H13V11ZM13 7H16V9H13V7Z" />
Link to this function

community(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 21H3C2.44772 21 2 20.5523 2 20V12.4868C2 12.1978 2.12501 11.9229 2.34282 11.733L6 8.54435V4C6 3.44772 6.44772 3 7 3H21C21.5523 3 22 3.44772 22 4V20C22 20.5523 21.5523 21 21 21ZM9 19H12V12.9416L8 9.45402L4 12.9416V19H7V15H9V19ZM14 19H20V5H8V7.12729C8.23444 7.12729 8.46888 7.20938 8.65718 7.37355L13.6572 11.733C13.875 11.9229 14 12.1978 14 12.4868V19ZM16 11H18V13H16V11ZM16 15H18V17H16V15ZM16 7H18V9H16V7ZM12 7H14V9H12V7Z" />
Link to this function

government(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.government()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M20 6H23V8H22V19H23V21H1V19H2V8H1V6H4V4C4 3.44772 4.44772 3 5 3H19C19.5523 3 20 3.44772 20 4V6ZM20 8H4V19H7V12H9V19H11V12H13V19H15V12H17V19H20V8ZM6 5V6H18V5H6Z" />
Link to this function

home(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 19.9997C21 20.552 20.5523 20.9997 20 20.9997H4C3.44772 20.9997 3 20.552 3 19.9997V9.48882C3 9.18023 3.14247 8.88893 3.38606 8.69947L11.3861 2.47725C11.7472 2.19639 12.2528 2.19639 12.6139 2.47725L20.6139 8.69947C20.8575 8.88893 21 9.18023 21 9.48882V19.9997ZM19 18.9997V9.97791L12 4.53346L5 9.97791V18.9997H19Z" />
Link to this function

home_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001Z" />
Link to this function

home_3(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_3()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM8 15.0001H16V17.0001H8V15.0001Z" />
Link to this function

home_4(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_4()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM13 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001H11V13.0001H13V19.0001Z" />
Link to this function

home_5(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_5()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M13 18.9997H19V9.97791L12 4.53346L5 9.97791V18.9997H11V12.9997H13V18.9997ZM21 19.9997C21 20.552 20.5523 20.9997 20 20.9997H4C3.44772 20.9997 3 20.552 3 19.9997V9.48882C3 9.18023 3.14247 8.88893 3.38606 8.69947L11.3861 2.47725C11.7472 2.19639 12.2528 2.19639 12.6139 2.47725L20.6139 8.69947C20.8575 8.88893 21 9.18023 21 9.48882V19.9997Z" />
Link to this function

home_6(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_6()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 19.9997C21 20.552 20.5523 20.9997 20 20.9997H4C3.44772 20.9997 3 20.552 3 19.9997V9.48882C3 9.18023 3.14247 8.88893 3.38606 8.69947L11.3861 2.47725C11.7472 2.19639 12.2528 2.19639 12.6139 2.47725L20.6139 8.69947C20.8575 8.88893 21 9.18023 21 9.48882V19.9997ZM19 18.9997V9.97791L12 4.53346L5 9.97791V18.9997H19ZM7 14.9997H17V16.9997H7V14.9997Z" />
Link to this function

home_7(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_7()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM12 15.0001C10.6193 15.0001 9.5 13.8808 9.5 12.5001C9.5 11.1194 10.6193 10.0001 12 10.0001C13.3807 10.0001 14.5 11.1194 14.5 12.5001C14.5 13.8808 13.3807 15.0001 12 15.0001Z" />
Link to this function

home_8(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_8()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM9 10.0001H15V16.0001H9V10.0001ZM11 12.0001V14.0001H13V12.0001H11Z" />
Link to this function

home_gear(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_gear()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM8.59117 13.809C8.52937 13.5487 8.49666 13.2771 8.49666 12.9979C8.49666 12.7187 8.52936 12.4472 8.59115 12.1869L7.60001 11.6147L8.59952 9.88345L9.59136 10.4561C9.98427 10.0844 10.4633 9.80285 10.9954 9.64448V8.5001H12.9945V9.64448C13.5266 9.80284 14.0056 10.0844 14.3985 10.456L15.3904 9.88336L16.39 11.6146L15.3987 12.1868C15.4605 12.4471 15.4932 12.7187 15.4932 12.9979C15.4932 13.2771 15.4605 13.5486 15.3988 13.8089L16.39 14.3812L15.3905 16.1124L14.3986 15.5397C14.0057 15.9114 13.5267 16.1929 12.9946 16.3513V17.4957H10.9955V16.3514C10.4634 16.193 9.98437 15.9115 9.59144 15.5398L8.59957 16.1125L7.60001 14.3813L8.59117 13.809ZM11.995 14.4972C12.823 14.4972 13.4942 13.8259 13.4942 12.9979C13.4942 12.1699 12.823 11.4986 11.995 11.4986C11.1669 11.4986 10.4957 12.1699 10.4957 12.9979C10.4957 13.8259 11.1669 14.4972 11.995 14.4972Z" />
Link to this function

home_heart(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_heart()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M20 20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001H1L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001H20V20.0001ZM18 19.0001V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001H18ZM12 17.0001L8.64124 13.6413C7.76256 12.7627 7.76256 11.338 8.64124 10.4594C9.51992 9.58068 10.9445 9.58068 11.8232 10.4594L12 10.6361L12.1768 10.4594C13.0555 9.58068 14.4801 9.58068 15.3588 10.4594C16.2374 11.338 16.2374 12.7627 15.3588 13.6413L12 17.0001Z" />
Link to this function

home_office(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_office()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M12.6727 1.61162 20.7999 9H17.8267L12 3.70302 6 9.15757V19.0001H11V21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001 11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162ZM14 11H23V18H14V11ZM16 13V16H21V13H16ZM24 21H13V19H24V21Z" />
Link to this function

home_smile(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_smile()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM7.5 13.0001H9.5C9.5 14.3808 10.6193 15.5001 12 15.5001C13.3807 15.5001 14.5 14.3808 14.5 13.0001H16.5C16.5 15.4854 14.4853 17.5001 12 17.5001C9.51472 17.5001 7.5 15.4854 7.5 13.0001Z" />
Link to this function

home_smile_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_smile_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M19 18.9999V9.79863L12 4.27662L5 9.79863V18.9999H19ZM21 19.9999C21 20.5522 20.5523 20.9999 20 20.9999H4C3.44772 20.9999 3 20.5522 3 19.9999V9.31379C3 9.00761 3.14027 8.7183 3.38065 8.52867L11.3807 2.21781C11.7438 1.9313 12.2562 1.9313 12.6193 2.21781L20.6193 8.52867C20.8597 8.7183 21 9.00761 21 9.31379V19.9999ZM7 11.9999H9C9 13.6568 10.3431 14.9999 12 14.9999C13.6569 14.9999 15 13.6568 15 11.9999H17C17 14.7613 14.7614 16.9999 12 16.9999C9.23858 16.9999 7 14.7613 7 11.9999Z" />
Link to this function

home_wifi(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.home_wifi()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M6 19.0001H18V9.15757L12 3.70302L6 9.15757V19.0001ZM19 21.0001H5C4.44772 21.0001 4 20.5524 4 20.0001V11.0001L1 11.0001L11.3273 1.61162C11.7087 1.26488 12.2913 1.26488 12.6727 1.61162L23 11.0001L20 11.0001V20.0001C20 20.5524 19.5523 21.0001 19 21.0001ZM8 10.0001C11.866 10.0001 15 13.1341 15 17.0001H13C13 14.2387 10.7614 12.0001 8 12.0001V10.0001ZM8 14.0001C9.65685 14.0001 11 15.3432 11 17.0001H8V14.0001Z" />
Link to this function

hospital(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M8 20V14H16V20H19V4H5V20H8ZM10 20H14V16H10V20ZM21 20H23V22H1V20H3V3C3 2.44772 3.44772 2 4 2H20C20.5523 2 21 2.44772 21 3V20ZM11 8V6H13V8H15V10H13V12H11V10H9V8H11Z" />
Link to this function

hotel(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.hotel()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M22 21H2V19H3V4C3 3.44772 3.44772 3 4 3H18C18.5523 3 19 3.44772 19 4V9H21V19H22V21ZM17 19H19V11H13V19H15V13H17V19ZM17 9V5H5V19H11V9H17ZM7 11H9V13H7V11ZM7 15H9V17H7V15ZM7 7H9V9H7V7Z" />
Link to this function

school(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M12 0.585938L18 6.58594V9.00024H22V19.0002H23V21.0002H1V19.0002H2V9.00024H6V6.58594L12 0.585938ZM18 19.0002H20V11.0002H18V19.0002ZM6 11.0002H4V19.0002H6V11.0002ZM8 7.41436V19.0002H11V12.0002H13V19.0002H16V7.41436L12 3.41436L8 7.41436Z" />
Link to this function

store(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 11.6458V21C21 21.5523 20.5523 22 20 22H4C3.44772 22 3 21.5523 3 21V11.6458C2.37764 10.9407 2 10.0144 2 9V3C2 2.44772 2.44772 2 3 2H21C21.5523 2 22 2.44772 22 3V9C22 10.0144 21.6224 10.9407 21 11.6458ZM19 12.874C18.6804 12.9562 18.3453 13 18 13C16.8053 13 15.7329 12.4762 15 11.6458C14.2671 12.4762 13.1947 13 12 13C10.8053 13 9.73294 12.4762 9 11.6458C8.26706 12.4762 7.19469 13 6 13C5.6547 13 5.31962 12.9562 5 12.874V20H19V12.874ZM14 9C14 8.44772 14.4477 8 15 8C15.5523 8 16 8.44772 16 9C16 10.1046 16.8954 11 18 11C19.1046 11 20 10.1046 20 9V4H4V9C4 10.1046 4.89543 11 6 11C7.10457 11 8 10.1046 8 9C8 8.44772 8.44772 8 9 8C9.55228 8 10 8.44772 10 9C10 10.1046 10.8954 11 12 11C13.1046 11 14 10.1046 14 9Z" />
Link to this function

store_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.store_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
  <path d="M21 13.2422V20H22V22H2V20H3V13.2422C1.79401 12.435 1 11.0602 1 9.5C1 8.67286 1.22443 7.87621 1.63322 7.19746L4.3453 2.5C4.52393 2.1906 4.85406 2 5.21132 2H18.7887C19.1459 2 19.4761 2.1906 19.6547 2.5L22.3575 7.18172C22.7756 7.87621 23 8.67286 23 9.5C23 11.0602 22.206 12.435 21 13.2422ZM19 13.9725C18.8358 13.9907 18.669 14 18.5 14C17.2409 14 16.0789 13.478 15.25 12.6132C14.4211 13.478 13.2591 14 12 14C10.7409 14 9.5789 13.478 8.75 12.6132C7.9211 13.478 6.75911 14 5.5 14C5.331 14 5.16417 13.9907 5 13.9725V20H19V13.9725ZM5.78865 4L3.35598 8.21321C3.12409 8.59843 3 9.0389 3 9.5C3 10.8807 4.11929 12 5.5 12C6.53096 12 7.44467 11.3703 7.82179 10.4295C8.1574 9.59223 9.3426 9.59223 9.67821 10.4295C10.0553 11.3703 10.969 12 12 12C13.031 12 13.9447 11.3703 14.3218 10.4295C14.6574 9.59223 15.8426 9.59223 16.1782 10.4295C16.5553 11.3703 17.469 12 18.5 12C19.8807 12 21 10.8807 21 9.5C21 9.0389 20.8759 8.59843 20.6347 8.19746L18.2113 4H5.78865Z" />
Link to this function

store_3(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Buildings.store_3()
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