RemixIconEx.Design (RemixIconEx v0.5.0)

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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.anticlockwise()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.anticlockwise_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.artboard()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.artboard_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.ball_pen()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.blur_off()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush_3()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush_4()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.clockwise()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.clockwise_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.collage()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.compasses()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.compasses_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast_drop()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast_drop_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.crop()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.crop_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.drag_drop()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.drop()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit_box()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit_circle()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.eraser()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.focus()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pencil()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pencil_ruler()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pencil_ruler_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.quill_pen()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.ruler()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.ruler_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.scissors()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.scissors_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.scissors_cut()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.screenshot()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.screenshot_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.shape()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.shape_2()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.sip()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.slice()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.t_box()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.table()
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iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.table_alt()
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anticlockwise(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.anticlockwise()
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anticlockwise_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.anticlockwise_2()
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artboard(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.artboard()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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artboard_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.artboard_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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ball_pen(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.ball_pen()
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blur_off(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.blur_off()
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Link to this function

brush(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush()
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Link to this function

brush_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush_2()
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Link to this function

brush_3(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush_3()
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brush_4(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.brush_4()
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Link to this function

clockwise(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.clockwise()
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Link to this function

clockwise_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.clockwise_2()
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Link to this function

collage(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.collage()
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Link to this function

compasses(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.compasses()
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Link to this function

compasses_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.compasses_2()
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Link to this function

contrast(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast()
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Link to this function

contrast_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast_2()
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contrast_drop(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast_drop()
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Link to this function

contrast_drop_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.contrast_drop_2()
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crop(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.crop()
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crop_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.crop_2()
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drag_drop(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.drag_drop()
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Link to this function

drop(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.drop()
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Link to this function

edit(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit()
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edit_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit_2()
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edit_box(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit_box()
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Link to this function

edit_circle(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.edit_circle()
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eraser(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.eraser()
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focus(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.focus()
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focus_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.focus_2()
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focus_3(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.focus_3()
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Link to this function

grid(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.grid()
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Link to this function

hammer(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.hammer()
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Link to this function

ink_bottle(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.ink_bottle()
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input_method(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.input_method()
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Link to this function

layout(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout()
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Link to this function

layout_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_2()
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Link to this function

layout_3(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_3()
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Link to this function

layout_4(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_4()
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Link to this function

layout_5(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_5()
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Link to this function

layout_6(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_6()
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Link to this function

layout_bottom(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_bottom()
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Link to this function

layout_bottom_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_bottom_2()
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Link to this function

layout_column(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_column()
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Link to this function

layout_grid(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_grid()
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Link to this function

layout_left(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_left()
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Link to this function

layout_left_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_left_2()
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Link to this function

layout_masonry(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_masonry()
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Link to this function

layout_right(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_right()
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Link to this function

layout_right_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_right_2()
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Link to this function

layout_row(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_row()
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Link to this function

layout_top(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_top()
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Link to this function

layout_top_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.layout_top_2()
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Link to this function

magic(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.magic()
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Link to this function

mark_pen(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.mark_pen()
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Link to this function

markup(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.markup()
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Link to this function

paint(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.paint()
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Link to this function

paint_brush(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.paint_brush()
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Link to this function

palette(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.palette()
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Link to this function

pantone(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pantone()
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pen_nib(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pen_nib()
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pencil(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pencil()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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pencil_ruler(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pencil_ruler()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

pencil_ruler_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.pencil_ruler_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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quill_pen(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.quill_pen()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

ruler(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.ruler()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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ruler_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.ruler_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

scissors(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.scissors()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

scissors_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.scissors_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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scissors_cut(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.scissors_cut()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

screenshot(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.screenshot()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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screenshot_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.screenshot_2()
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shape(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.shape()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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shape_2(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.shape_2()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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sip(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.sip()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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slice(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.slice()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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t_box(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.t_box()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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table(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.table()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

table_alt(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

iex> Elixir.RemixIconEx.Design.table_alt()
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="icon">
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Link to this function

tools(icon_css_class \\ "icon")

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