result v1.3.0 Result.Operators

A result operators.

Link to this section Summary


Chain together a sequence of computations that may fail

Chain together a sequence of computations that may fail for functions with multiple argumets

Return true if result is error

Fold function returns tuple {:ok, [...]} if all tuples in list contain :ok or {:error, ...} if only one tuple contains :error

Apply a function f to value if result is Ok

Apply a function if both results are Ok. If not, the first Err will propagate through

Return true if result is ok

Perform function f on Ok result and return it

Flatten nested results

Retry count times the function f if the result is negative

Return value if result is ok, otherwise default

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function and_then(arg, f)
and_then(Result.t(any(), a), (a -> Result.t(any(), any()))) ::
  Result.t(any(), any())
when a: var

Chain together a sequence of computations that may fail.


iex> val = {:ok, 1}
iex> Result.Operators.and_then(val, fn (x) -> {:ok, x + 1} end)
{:ok, 2}

iex> val = {:error, 1}
iex> Result.Operators.and_then(val, fn (x) -> {:ok, x + 1} end)
{:error, 1}
Link to this function and_then_x(args, f)
and_then_x([Result.t(any(), any())], (... -> Result.t(any(), any()))) ::
  Result.t(any(), any())

Chain together a sequence of computations that may fail for functions with multiple argumets.


iex> args = [{:ok, 1}, {:ok, 2}]
iex> Result.Operators.and_then_x(args, fn (x, y) -> {:ok, x + y} end)
{:ok, 3}

iex> args = [{:ok, 1}, {:error, "ERROR"}]
iex> Result.Operators.and_then_x(args, fn (x, y) -> {:ok, x + y} end)
{:error, "ERROR"}
Link to this function error?(arg1)
error?(Result.t(any(), any())) :: boolean()

Return true if result is error


iex> Result.Operators.error?({:error, 123})

iex> Result.Operators.error?({:ok, 123})
Link to this function fold(list)
fold([Result.t(any(), any())]) :: Result.t(any(), [any()])

Fold function returns tuple {:ok, [...]} if all tuples in list contain :ok or {:error, ...} if only one tuple contains :error.


iex> val = [{:ok, 3}, {:ok, 5}, {:ok, 12}]
iex> Result.Operators.fold(val)
{:ok, [3, 5, 12]}

iex> val = [{:ok, 3}, {:error, 1}, {:ok, 2}, {:error, 2}]
iex> Result.Operators.fold(val)
{:error, 1}
Link to this function map(result, f)
map(Result.t(any(), a), (a -> b)) :: Result.t(any(), b) when a: var, b: var

Apply a function f to value if result is Ok.


iex> ok = {:ok, 3}
iex>, fn(x) -> x + 10 end)
{:ok, 13}

iex> error = {:error, 3}
iex>, fn(x) -> x + 10 end)
{:error, 3}
Link to this function map2(result, result, f)
map2(Result.t(any(), a), Result.t(any(), b), (a, b -> c)) ::
  Result.t(any(), c)
when a: var, b: var, c: var

Apply a function if both results are Ok. If not, the first Err will propagate through.


iex> Result.Operators.map2({:ok, 1}, {:ok, 2}, fn(x, y) -> x + y end)
{:ok, 3}

iex> Result.Operators.map2({:ok, 1}, {:error, 2}, fn(x, y) -> x + y end)
{:error, 2}

iex> Result.Operators.map2({:error, 1}, {:error, 2}, fn(x, y) -> x + y end)
{:error, 1}
Link to this function ok?(arg1)
ok?(Result.t(any(), any())) :: boolean()

Return true if result is ok


iex> Result.Operators.ok?({:ok, 123})

iex> Result.Operators.ok?({:error, 123})
Link to this function perform(result, f)
perform(Result.t(err, val), (val -> any())) :: Result.t(err, val) when val: var

Perform function f on Ok result and return it


iex> Result.Operators.perform({:ok, 123}, fn(x) -> x * 100 end)
{:ok, 123}

iex> Result.Operators.perform({:error, 123}, fn(x) -> IO.puts(x) end)
{:error, 123}
Link to this function resolve(result)
resolve(Result.t(any(), Result.t(any(), any()))) :: Result.t(any(), any())

Flatten nested results

resolve :: Result x (Result x a) -> Result x a


iex> Result.Operators.resolve({:ok, {:ok, 1}})
{:ok, 1}

iex> Result.Operators.resolve({:ok, {:error, "one"}})
{:error, "one"}

iex> Result.Operators.resolve({:error, "two"})
{:error, "two"}
Link to this function retry(res, f, count, timeout \\ 1000)
  Result.t(any(), val),
  (val -> Result.t(any(), any())),
) :: Result.t(any(), any())
when val: var

Retry count times the function f if the result is negative

retry :: Result err a -> (a -> Result err b) -> Int -> Int -> Result err b

  • res - input result
  • f - function retruns result
  • count - try count
  • timeout - timeout between retries


iex> Result.Operators.retry({:error, "Error"}, fn(x) -> {:ok, x} end, 3)
{:error, "Error"}

iex> Result.Operators.retry({:ok, "Ok"}, fn(x) -> {:ok, x} end, 3)
{:ok, "Ok"}

iex> Result.Operators.retry({:ok, "Ok"}, fn(_) -> {:error, "Error"} end, 3, 0)
{:error, "Error"}
Link to this function with_default(arg, default)
with_default(Result.t(any(), val), val) :: val when val: var

Return value if result is ok, otherwise default


iex> Result.Operators.with_default({:ok, 123}, 456)

iex> Result.Operators.with_default({:error, 123}, 456)