RevisionPlateEx v0.4.1 RevisionPlateEx.Hello View Source

Define RevisionPlateEx Hello. This module defines functions to generate %Plug.Conn{} which have revision plate. To use this feature, you should set as the following example.

Example with Plug

defmodule MyApp.Hello do
  import Plug.Conn

  def sample_revision(conn), do: RevisionPlateEx.Hello.revision conn

Then MyApp.Hello.sample_revision/1 return 200 as status code and binary read from REVISION file which exists on root path as default. Return 404 and not found message if REVISION file doesn’t exist.

Link to this section Summary


This function can use with Phoenix like the following. In this case, when anyone access to /hello/revision with GET method, then return revision with 200 statuscode or not found message with 404

Link to this section Types

Link to this type conn() View Source
conn() :: %Plug.Conn{
  adapter: term(),
  assigns: term(),
  before_send: term(),
  body_params: term(),
  cookies: term(),
  halted: term(),
  host: term(),
  method: term(),
  owner: term(),
  params: term(),
  path_info: term(),
  path_params: term(),
  port: term(),
  private: term(),
  query_params: term(),
  query_string: term(),
  remote_ip: term(),
  req_cookies: term(),
  req_headers: term(),
  request_path: term(),
  resp_body: term(),
  resp_cookies: term(),
  resp_headers: term(),
  scheme: term(),
  script_name: term(),
  secret_key_base: term(),
  state: term(),
  status: term()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function revision(conn) View Source
revision(conn()) :: conn()

This function can use with Phoenix like the following. In this case, when anyone access to /hello/revision with GET method, then return revision with 200 statuscode or not found message with 404.

Example in web/router.ex

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use MyApp.Web, :router


  scope "/", MyApp do
    get "/hello/revision", HelloController, :revision

Example in web/controllers/hello_controller.ex

defmodule MyApp.Hello do
  use MyApp.Web, :controller
  def revision(conn, _opt), do: RevisionPlateEx.Hello.revision conn