Copyright © 2021 Marc Worrell
Behaviours: supervisor.
Authors: Marc Worrell (
init/1 | Supervisor callback, initialize the children. |
start_child/2 | Start a ringbuffer. |
start_link/0 | Start the simple_one_for_one supervisor for the ring buffer processes. |
stop_child/1 | Stop a ringbuffer. |
init(X1) -> any()
Supervisor callback, initialize the children.
start_child(Name::atom(), Size::pos_integer()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}
Start a ringbuffer.
start_link() -> any()
Start the simple_one_for_one supervisor for the ring buffer processes.
stop_child(Name::atom()) -> ok | {error, not_found}
Stop a ringbuffer. The managing process is removed from the supervisor and the ets table is released.
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