Rolodex v0.10.1 Rolodex.Headers

Exposes functions and macros for defining reusable headers in route doc annotations or responses.

It exposes the following macros, which when used together will set up the headers:

  • headers/2 - for declaring the headers
  • header/3 - for declaring a single header for the set

It also exposes the following functions:

  • is_headers_module?/1 - determines if the provided item is a module that has defined a reusable headers set
  • to_map/1 - serializes the headers module into a map

Link to this section Summary


Opens up the headers definition for the current module. Will name the headers set and generate a list of header fields based on the macro calls within

Determines if an arbitrary item is a module that has defined a reusable headers set via Rolodex.Headers macros

Serializes the Rolodex.Headers metadata into a formatted map

Link to this section Functions

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field(identifier, type, opts \\ []) (macro)

Sets a header field.


  • identifier - the header name
  • type - the header field type
  • opts (optional) - additional metadata. See for a list of valid options.
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headers(name, list) (macro)

Opens up the headers definition for the current module. Will name the headers set and generate a list of header fields based on the macro calls within.


  • name - the headers name
  • block - headers shape definition


defmodule SimpleHeaders do
  use Rolodex.Headers

  headers "SimpleHeaders" do
    field "X-Rate-Limited", :boolean
    field "X-Per-Page", :integer, desc: "Number of items in the response"
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is_headers_module?(any()) :: boolean()

Determines if an arbitrary item is a module that has defined a reusable headers set via Rolodex.Headers macros


defmodule SimpleHeaders do
...>   use Rolodex.Headers
...>   headers "SimpleHeaders" do
...>     field "X-Rate-Limited", :boolean
...>   end
...> end
# Validating a headers module
iex> # Validating some other module
iex> Rolodex.Headers.is_headers_module?(OtherModule)
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to_map(module()) :: map()

Serializes the Rolodex.Headers metadata into a formatted map


iex> defmodule SimpleHeaders do
...>   use Rolodex.Headers
...>   headers "SimpleHeaders" do
...>     field "X-Rate-Limited", :boolean
...>     field "X-Per-Page", :integer, desc: "Number of items in the response"
...>   end
...> end
iex> Rolodex.Headers.to_map(SimpleHeaders)
  "X-Per-Page" => %{desc: "Number of items in the response", type: :integer},
  "X-Rate-Limited" => %{type: :boolean}