View Source Usage


  • Elixir >=1.11
  • Phoenix >= 1.6.0
  • Phoenix LiveView >= 0.16 (optional)


You can install this library by adding it to your list of dependencies in mix.exs. (use mix routex to find the latest version):

def deps do
     ...other deps
+    {:routex, ">= 0.0.0"}

Modify the entrypoint your web interface definition.

# file: lib/example_web.ex

+  use Routex.Router  # always before Phoenix Router
   use Phoenix.Router, helpers: false

# in controller
+  unquote(routex_helpers())

# in live_view
+     on_mount(unquote(__MODULE__).Router.RoutexHelpers)

# in view_helpers or html_helpers
+  unquote(routex_helpers())

# insert new private function
+  defp routex_helpers do
+    quote do
+      import unquote(__MODULE__).Router.RoutexHelpers, only: :macros
+      alias unquote(__MODULE__).Router.RoutexHelpers, as: Routes
+    end
+  end

The on_mount hook attaches a handle_param which in turn assigns a few (helper) values to the connection and/or socket. This includes the current url and any assigns created by Routex Extensions. When you want to have full control over these hooks, you can use something like the snippet below instead.

def on_mount(_, params, session, socket) do
  socket =
    Phoenix.LiveView.attach_hook(socket, :set_rtx, :handle_params, fn _params, url, socket ->
      attrs = ExampleWeb.Route.RoutexHelpers.attrs(url)
      rtx_assigns = [url: url, __branch__: attrs.__branch__] ++ Map.to_list(attrs.assigns)

      {:cont, Phoenix.LiveView.assign(socket, rtx_assigns)}

  {:cont, socket}


To use Routex, a module that calls use Routex.Backend (referred to below as a "backend") has to be defined. It includes a list with extensions and configuration of extensions.

defmodule ExampleWeb.RoutexBackend do
use Routex.Backend,
  extensions: [
  # ...list of extensions...


Routex is merely a framework and relies on extensions to provide features. Each extension provides a single feature. The extensions have their own documentation which specifies how to configure and use them.

Preprocess routes with Routex

Routex will preprocess any route wrapped in a preprocess_using block; either direct or indirect. It uses the backend passed as the first argument. This allows the use of multiple backends (e.g. to use different extensions for admin routes)

# file: router.ex
  scope "/", ExampleWeb, host: "admin.", as: :admin do
    pipe_through :browser

+    preprocess_using ExampleWeb.RoutexBackendAdmin do
      # [...routes...]
+    end

+ preprocess_using ExampleWeb.RoutexBackend do
    scope "/", ExampleWeb do
      pipe_through [:browser, :redirect_if_user_is_authenticated]
      # [...routes...]

    scope "/", ExampleWeb do
      pipe_through [:browser, :require_authenticated_user]
      # [...routes...]
+ end

When you run into issues, please have a look at the Troubleshooting