Rummage.Ecto v2.0.0 Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort View Source

Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort is the default sort hook that comes with Rummage.Ecto.

This module provides a operations that can add sorting functionality to a pipeline of Ecto queries. This module works by taking the field that should be used to order_by, order which can be asc or desc.

This module doesn't support associations and hence is a simple alternative to Rummage's default search hook.

NOTE: This module doesn't return a list of entries, but a Ecto.Query.t. This module uses Rummage.Ecto.Hook.



This Hook expects a queryable (an Ecto.Queryable) and sort_params (a Map). The map should be in the format: %{field: :field_name, order: :asc}


  • field: The field name (atom) to sorted by.
  • order: Specifies the type of order asc or desc.
  • ci : Case Insensitivity. Defaults to false

For example, if we want to sort products with descending price, we would do the following:, %{field: :price,
  order: :desc})


This module doesn't support assocations.


  • This Hook has the default order of :asc.
  • This Hook assumes that the searched field is a part of the schema passed as the queryable.


For a regular sort:

This returns a queryable which upon running will give a list of Parent(s) sorted by ascending field_1

alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort

sorted_queryable =, %{field: :name, order: :asc}})

For a case-insensitive sort:

This returns a queryable which upon running will give a list of Parent(s) sorted by ascending case insensitive field_1.

Keep in mind that case_insensitive can only be called for text fields

alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort

sorted_queryable =, %{field: :name, order: :asc, ci: true}})

This module can be overridden with a custom module while using Rummage.Ecto in Ecto struct module.

In the Ecto module:

Rummage.Ecto.rummage(queryable, rummage, sort: CustomHook)


Globally for all models in config.exs:

config :rummage_ecto,
  sort: CustomHook

The CustomHook must use Rummage.Ecto.Hook. For examples of CustomHook, check out some custom_hooks that are shipped with Rummage.Ecto: Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSearch, Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort, Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimplePaginate

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Callback implementation for Rummage.Ecto.Hook.format_params/3.

This is the callback implementation of

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

format_params(queryable, params, opts)

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format_params(Ecto.Query.t(), map(), keyword()) :: map()
format_params(Ecto.Query.t(), map(), keyword()) :: map()

Callback implementation for Rummage.Ecto.Hook.format_params/3.

This function ensures that params for each field have keys assoc, order1 which are essential for running this hook module.


iex> alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort
iex> SimpleSort.format_params(Parent, %{}, [])
%{order: :asc}


run(Ecto.Query.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
run(Ecto.Query.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Query.t()

This is the callback implementation of

Builds a sort Ecto.Query.t on top of the given Ecto.Queryable variable using given params.

Besides an Ecto.Query.t an Ecto.Schema module can also be passed as it implements Ecto.Queryable

Params is a Map which is expected to have the keys field, order.

This funciton expects a field atom, order which can be asc or desc, ci which is a boolean indicating the case-insensitivity.


When an empty map is passed as params:

iex> alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort
iex>, %{})
** (RuntimeError) Error in params, No values given for keys: field, order

When a non-empty map is passed as params, but with a missing key:

iex> alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort
iex>, %{field: :name})
** (RuntimeError) Error in params, No values given for keys: order

When a valid map of params is passed with an Ecto.Schema module:

iex> alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort
iex>, %{field: :name, order: :asc})
#Ecto.Query<from p0 in subquery(from p0 in Rummage.Ecto.Product), order_by: [asc:]>

When the queryable passed is an Ecto.Query variable:

iex> alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort
iex> import Ecto.Query
iex> queryable = from u in "products"
#Ecto.Query<from p0 in "products">
iex>, %{field: :name, order: :asc})
#Ecto.Query<from p0 in subquery(from p0 in "products"), order_by: [asc:]>

When the queryable passed is an Ecto.Query variable, with desc order:

iex> alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort
iex> import Ecto.Query
iex> queryable = from u in "products"
#Ecto.Query<from p0 in "products">
iex>, %{field: :name, order: :desc})
#Ecto.Query<from p0 in subquery(from p0 in "products"), order_by: [desc:]>

When the queryable passed is an Ecto.Query variable, with ci true:

iex> alias Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.SimpleSort
iex> import Ecto.Query
iex> queryable = from u in "products"
#Ecto.Query<from p0 in "products">
iex>, %{field: :name, order: :asc, ci: true})
#Ecto.Query<from p0 in subquery(from p0 in "products"), order_by: [asc: fragment("lower(?)",]>