Sax.Partial (sax v1.0.0) View Source

Supports parsing an XML document partially. This module is useful when the XML document cannot be turned into a Stream e.g over sockets.


iex> {:ok, partial} =, [])
iex> {:cont, partial} = Sax.Partial.parse(partial, "<foo>")
iex> {:cont, partial} = Sax.Partial.parse(partial, "</foo>")
iex> Sax.Partial.terminate(partial)
   end_document: {},
   end_element: "foo",
   start_element: {"foo", []},
   start_document: []

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Builds up a Sax.Partial, which can be used for later parsing.

Continue parsing next chunk of the document with a partial.

Terminates the XML document parsing.

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new(handler, initial_state, options \\ [])

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new(handler :: module(), initial_state :: term(), options :: Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, partial :: t()} | {:error, exception :: Sax.ParseError.t()}

Builds up a Sax.Partial, which can be used for later parsing.


parse(partial :: t(), data :: binary()) ::
  {:cont, partial :: t()}
  | {:halt, state :: term()}
  | {:error, exception :: Sax.ParseError.t()}

Continue parsing next chunk of the document with a partial.

This function can return in 3 ways:

  • {:cont, partial} - The parsing process has not been terminated.
  • {:halt, user_state} - The parsing process has been terminated, usually because of fast return.
  • {:error, exception} - The parsing process has erred.


terminate(partial :: t()) ::
  {:ok, state :: term()} | {:error, exception :: Sax.ParseError.t()}

Terminates the XML document parsing.