Scenic.Component.Input.Dropdown (Scenic v0.11.0-beta.0) View Source

Add a dropdown to a graph


{items, initial_item}

  • items - must be a list of items, each of which is: {text, id}. See below...
  • initial_item - the id of the initial selected item. It can be any term you want, however it must be an item_id in the items list. See below.

Per item data:

{text, item_id}

  • text - a string that will be shown in the dropdown.
  • item_id - any term you want. It will identify the item that is currently selected in the dropdown and will be passed back to you during event messages.


When the state of the checkbox, it sends an event message to the host scene in the form of:

{:value_changed, id, selected_item_id}


Dropdowns honor the following list of options.


Buttons honor the following styles

  • :hidden - If false the component is rendered. If true, it is skipped. The default is false.
  • :theme - The color set used to draw. See below. The default is :dark

Additional Styles

Buttons honor the following list of additional styles.

  • :width - pass in a number to set the width of the button.
  • :height - pass in a number to set the height of the button.
  • :direction - what direction should the menu drop. Can be either :down or :up. The default is :down.


Dropdowns work well with the following predefined themes: :light, :dark

To pass in a custom theme, supply a map with at least the following entries:

  • :text - the color of the text
  • :background - the background of the component
  • :border - the border of the component
  • :active - the background of selected item in the dropdown list
  • :thumb - the color of the item being hovered over


You should add/modify components via the helper functions in Scenic.Components


The following example creates a dropdown and positions it on the screen.

|> dropdown({[
  {"Dashboard", :dashboard},
  {"Controls", :controls},
  {"Primitives", :primitives}
], :controls}, id: :dropdown_id, translate: {20, 20})

Link to this section Summary


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

add_to_graph(graph, data, opts \\ [])

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Callback implementation for Scenic.Component.add_to_graph/3.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.