Scenic.Math.Vector2 (Scenic v0.11.0-beta.0) View Source

A collection of functions to work with 2D vectors.

2D vectors are always two numbers in a tuple.

{3, 4}
{3.5, 4.7}

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Add two vectors together.

Given a list of vectors, find the {left, top, right, bottom} of the bounding box.

Clamp a vector to the space between two other vectors.

Calculates the cross product of two vectors.

Divide a vector by a scalar.

Calculates the dot product of two vectors.

A vector that points straight down by 1.

Determine if a vector is in the bounds (or clamp space) between two other vectors.

Determine if a vector is in the bounds (or clamp space) between two other vectors.

Invert a vector.

A vector that points left by 1.

Calculates the length of the vector.

Calculates the squared length of the vector.

Calculate the lerp of two vectors.

Find a new vector derived from the highest x and y from two given vectors.

Find a new vector derived from the lowest x and y from two given vectors.

Multiply a vector by a scalar.

Calculate the nlerp (normalized lerp) of two vectors.

Normalize a vector so it has the same angle, but a length of 1.

A vector that points to {1,1}.

Project a vector into the space defined by a matrix

A vector that points right by 1.

Round the values of a vector to the nearest integers.

Subtract one vector from another.

Truncate the values of a vector into integers.

A vector that points to {1,0}.

A vector that points to {0,1}.

A vector that points straight up by 1.

A vector that points to the origin.

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add(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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add(vector2_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), vector2_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) ::

Add two vectors together.


  • vector2_a - the first vector to be added
  • vector2_b - the second vector to be added

Returns: A new vector which is the result of the addition


iex> Scenic.Math.Vector2.add({1.0, 5.0}, {3.0, 3.0})
{4.0, 8.0}


bounds(vectors :: nil | [Scenic.Math.vector_2()]) ::
  {left :: number(), top :: number(), right :: number(), bottom :: number()}

Given a list of vectors, find the {left, top, right, bottom} of the bounding box.


Clamp a vector to the space between two other vectors.


  • vector2 - the vector to be clamped
  • min - the vector defining the minimum boundary
  • max - the vector defining the maximum boundary

Returns: A vector derived from the space between two other vectors

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cross(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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cross(vector2_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), vector2_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) ::

Calculates the cross product of two vectors.


  • vector2_a - the first vector
  • vector2_b - the second vector

Returns: A number which is the result of the cross product

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distance(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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div(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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div(vector2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), scalar :: number()) ::

Divide a vector by a scalar.


  • vector2 - the vector
  • scalar - the scalar value

Returns: A new vector which is the result of the division

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dot(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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dot(vector2_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), vector2_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) ::

Calculates the dot product of two vectors.


  • vector2_a - the first vector
  • vector2_b - the second vector

Returns: A number which is the result of the dot product

A vector that points straight down by 1.

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in_bounds?(vector, bounds)

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in_bounds?(vector :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), bounds :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) ::

Determine if a vector is in the bounds (or clamp space) between two other vectors.


  • vector2 - the vector to be tested
  • bounds - a vector defining the boundary

Returns: true or false

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in_bounds?(vector, min, max)

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  vector :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(),
  min :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(),
  max :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()
) :: boolean()

Determine if a vector is in the bounds (or clamp space) between two other vectors.


  • vector2 - the vector to be tested
  • min - the vector defining the minimum boundary
  • max - the vector defining the maximum boundary

Returns: A vector derived from the space between two other vectors


invert(vector_2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()

Invert a vector.


  • vector_2 - the vector to be inverted

Returns: The inverted vector


iex> Scenic.Math.Vector2.invert({2, 2})
{-2, -2}

A vector that points left by 1.


length(vector2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) :: number()

Calculates the length of the vector.

This is slower than calculating the squared length.


  • vector2 - the vector

Returns: A number which is the length


length_squared(vector2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) :: number()

Calculates the squared length of the vector.

This is faster than calculating the length if all you want to do is compare the lengths of two vectors against each other.


  • vector2 - the vector

Returns: A number which is the square of the length

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lerp(vector_a, vector_a, t)

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  vector_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(),
  vector_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(),
  t :: number()
) :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()

Calculate the lerp of two vectors.

See This explanation for more info.


  • vector_a - the first vector
  • vector_b - the second vector
  • t - the "t" value (see link above). Must be between 0 and 1.

Returns: A vector, which is the result of the lerp.

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max(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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max(vector2_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), vector2_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) ::

Find a new vector derived from the highest x and y from two given vectors.


  • vector2_a - the first vector
  • vector2_b - the second vector

Returns: A vector derived from the highest x and y from two given vectors

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min(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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min(vector2_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), vector2_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) ::

Find a new vector derived from the lowest x and y from two given vectors.


  • vector2_a - the first vector
  • vector2_b - the second vector

Returns: A vector derived from the lowest x and y from two given vectors

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mul(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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mul(vector2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), scalar :: number()) ::

Multiply a vector by a scalar.


  • vector2 - the vector
  • scalar - the scalar value

Returns: A new vector which is the result of the multiplication

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nlerp(vector_a, vector_a, t)

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  vector_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(),
  vector_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(),
  t :: number()
) :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()

Calculate the nlerp (normalized lerp) of two vectors.

See This explanation for more info.


  • vector_a - the first vector
  • vector_b - the second vector
  • t - the "t" value (see link above). Must be between 0 and 1.

Returns: A vector, which is the result of the nlerp.


normalize(vector2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()

Normalize a vector so it has the same angle, but a length of 1.


  • vector2 - the vector

Returns: A vector with the same angle as the original, but a length of 1

A vector that points to {1,1}.

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project(vector_a, matrix)

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Project a vector into the space defined by a matrix


  • vector - the vector, or a list of vectors
  • matrix - the matrix

Returns: A projected vector (or list of vectors)

A vector that points right by 1.


round(vector_2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()

Round the values of a vector to the nearest integers.


  • vector_2 - the vector to be rounded

Returns: The integer vector


iex> Scenic.Math.Vector2.round({1.2, 1.56})
{1, 2}
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sub(vector2_a, vector2_b)

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sub(vector2_a :: Scenic.Math.vector_2(), vector2_b :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) ::

Subtract one vector from another.


  • vector2_a - the first vector
  • vector2_b - the second vector, which will be subtracted from the first

Returns: A new vector which is the result of the subtraction


trunc(vector_2 :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()) :: Scenic.Math.vector_2()

Truncate the values of a vector into integers.


  • vector_2 - the vector to be truncated

Returns: The integer vector


iex> Scenic.Math.Vector2.trunc({1.6, 1.2})
{1, 1}

A vector that points to {1,0}.

A vector that points to {0,1}.

A vector that points straight up by 1.

A vector that points to the origin.